- 22 Dec, 2013 2 commits
The existing manifest controller tests are no longer valid or overlap with m3u8 parsing tests.
David LaPalomento committed -
Take all the remaining test cases and conver them into pairs of m3u8 and json files. Removed handlebars since it's no longer in use.
David LaPalomento committed
- 20 Dec, 2013 3 commits
There are a ton of tests in m3u8_test.js currently and it's getting a bit difficult to manage. Instead of hand-writing checks for each property of the parsed output, automatically convert manifests to javscript strings during the build process and then compare the parse of that string against a JSON file with the same name.
David LaPalomento committed -
Create a parser that interprets parsing events and produces a manifest object. Get all the tests working. Comment a few manifest controller tests out because the interface of that object needs to be updated to use the new parser.
David LaPalomento committed
- 19 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Regexes and tests for m3u8 tags that are likely to be relevant to playback. High-level m3u8 tests are still failing because their is still no "interpretation" of the incoming parse stream.
David LaPalomento committed
- 18 Dec, 2013 2 commits
Split parsing into tokenization and a very liberal parser. After this, an "interpreter" needs to be created to build an object representation of the manifest based on the events emitted by the parser. Higher-level manifest tests are broken until that interpreter is written.
David LaPalomento committed -
Add the peg parser generation step to the gruntfile. Include the generated parser in the test harness page. Update many of the m3u8 tests to work with the new parser. There are a number of tests still failing. I believe this is because parts of the grammar are not sufficiently flexible to handle some optional parameters. For instance, #EXT-X-BYTE-RANGE is being glommed incorrectly into the #EXTINF definition and that's throwing off parsing. This commit is a progress checkpoint; things are definitely not working correctly.
David LaPalomento committed
- 16 Dec, 2013 2 commits
- 13 Dec, 2013 1 commit
- 12 Dec, 2013 10 commits
The spec calls stream-inf data playlists and video/audio track data renditions
Gary Katsevman committed -
Rename mediaFile to mediaURL in segment and rendition Rename byteRange into byterange and default it to -1 in segment Rename duration to targetDuration in segment
Gary Katsevman committed -
Comments, EXTINF tags, and EXT-STREAM-INF tags get turned into an array in the outputted format.
Gary Katsevman committed
- 11 Dec, 2013 8 commits
Now, it'll use peg's line and column tracking. So, each extinf would output an object with property #EXTINF + line number.
Gary Katsevman committed -
- 10 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Generate the parser file via 'npm run peg'. There is a simple test script in test/pegtest.js. The test can be run via 'npm run testpeg' which will generate a new copy of the parser and then run the test file.
Gary Katsevman committed
- 01 Dec, 2013 1 commit
- 19 Nov, 2013 2 commits
- 18 Nov, 2013 4 commits
- 31 Oct, 2013 3 commits
vjs-media-sources is now a "contrib" project, so make sure the dependency name reflects that.
David LaPalomento committed