Briefly describe the issue. Include a reduced test case, we have a starter template on JSBin you can use.
Is a certain source or a certain segment affected? please provide a public (accesible over the internet) link to it below.
Steps to reproduce
Explain in detail the exact steps necessary to reproduce the issue.
1. 2. 3.
Please describe what you expected to happen that did not happen in the description.
Error output
If there are any errors in the console, from the player, or anywhere else please include them here:
Additional Information
Please include any additional information necessary here. Including the following:
videojs-contrib-hls version
what version of videojs-contrib-hls does this occur with? videojs-contrib-hls x.y.z
videojs version
what version of videojs does this occur with? video.js x.y.z
what browsers are affected? please include browser and version for each *
what platforms are affected? please include operating system and version or device and version for each *
Other Plugins
are any other videojs plugins being used on the page? If so, please list them with version below. *
Other JavaScript
are you using any other javascript libraries or frameworks on the page? if so please list them below. *