f7c291b5 by Michael Richards

Rewrite the DOM template parser in Rivets.View#build to include text template parsing. [#181]

1 parent 6cb9af1e
......@@ -173,54 +173,71 @@ class Rivets.View
skipNodes = []
bindingRegExp = @bindingRegExp()
buildBinding = (node, type, declaration) =>
options = {}
pipes = (pipe.trim() for pipe in declaration.split '|')
context = (ctx.trim() for ctx in pipes.shift().split '<')
path = context.shift()
splitPath = path.split /\.|:/
options.formatters = pipes
options.bypass = path.indexOf(':') != -1
if splitPath[0]
key = splitPath.shift()
key = null
keypath = splitPath.join '.'
if dependencies = context.shift()
options.dependencies = dependencies.split /\s+/
@bindings.push new Rivets.Binding @, node, type, key, keypath, options
parse = (node) =>
unless node in skipNodes
for attribute in node.attributes
if bindingRegExp.test attribute.name
type = attribute.name.replace bindingRegExp, ''
unless binder = @binders[type]
for identifier, value of @binders
if identifier isnt '*' and identifier.indexOf('*') isnt -1
regexp = new RegExp "^#{identifier.replace('*', '.+')}$"
if regexp.test type
binder = value
binder or= @binders['*']
if binder.block
skipNodes.push n for n in node.getElementsByTagName '*'
attributes = [attribute]
for attribute in attributes or node.attributes
if bindingRegExp.test attribute.name
options = {}
type = attribute.name.replace bindingRegExp, ''
pipes = (pipe.trim() for pipe in attribute.value.split '|')
context = (ctx.trim() for ctx in pipes.shift().split '<')
path = context.shift()
splitPath = path.split /\.|:/
options.formatters = pipes
options.bypass = path.indexOf(':') != -1
if splitPath[0]
key = splitPath.shift()
key = null
keypath = splitPath.join '.'
if not key or @models[key]?
if dependencies = context.shift()
options.dependencies = dependencies.split /\s+/
@bindings.push new Rivets.Binding @, node, type, key, keypath, options
attributes = null if attributes
for el in @els
parse el
parse node for node in el.getElementsByTagName '*' when node.attributes?
if node.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE
if (tokens = Rivets.TextTemplateParser.parse node.data).length
unless tokens.length is 1 and tokens[0].type is 0
[startToken, restTokens...] = tokens
node.data = startToken.value
switch startToken.type
when 0 then node.data = startToken.value
when 1 then buildBinding node, 'textNode', startToken.value
for token in restTokens
node.parentNode.appendChild (text = document.createTextNode token.value)
buildBinding text, 'textNode', token.value if token.type is 1
else if node.attributes?
for attribute in node.attributes
if bindingRegExp.test attribute.name
type = attribute.name.replace bindingRegExp, ''
unless binder = @binders[type]
for identifier, value of @binders
if identifier isnt '*' and identifier.indexOf('*') isnt -1
regexp = new RegExp "^#{identifier.replace('*', '.+')}$"
if regexp.test type
binder = value
binder or= @binders['*']
if binder.block
skipNodes.push n for n in node.childNodes
attributes = [attribute]
for attribute in attributes or node.attributes
if bindingRegExp.test attribute.name
type = attribute.name.replace bindingRegExp, ''
buildBinding node, type, attribute.value
parse childNode for childNode in node.childNodes
parse el for el in @els