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142 <p data-gjs-type="default" draggable="true" id="i6jmu" style="line-height:1.2;">
143 <span data-gjs-type="default" draggable="true" style="font-size:12pt;font-variant:normal;white-space:pre-wrap;"><span data-gjs-type="default" draggable="true" style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif;"><span data-gjs-type="default" draggable="true" style="color:#000000;"><span data-gjs-type="default" draggable="true" style="font-weight:400;"><span data-gjs-type="default" draggable="true" style="font-style:normal;"><span data-gjs-type="text" draggable="true" style="text-decoration:none;">Dear ${firstName!},<br>
144 Thank you for choosing UniquelyMe. We&#39;re excited to support you on your journey to better menopause management. Below are the details of your recent order.<br>
145 Order Number: ${orderId}<br>
146 Date: ${entryDate}<br>
147 Order Summary:<br>
148 ${itemDescription} x ${quantity}<br>
149 Total: $${grandTotal}<br>
150 Payment Method: ${paymentMethodDescription}<br>
151 Billing Information:<br>
152 Name: ${firstName} ${lastName}<br>
153 Address: ${billingAddress}<br>
154 Shipping Information:<br>
155 Name: ${firstName} ${lastName}<br>
156 Address: ${shippingAddress}<br>
157 Estimated Delivery: ${estimatedDeliveryDate}<br>
158 Important: To access your test results and personalized treatment plan, creating an account with UniquelyMe is essential. This enables us to provide you with a secure and customized experience. If you haven&#39;t already, please set up your account here.<br>
159 Need Assistance? Our customer care team is here to help you every step of the way. If you have any questions about your order, or need assistance with your account setup, please feel free to contact us at support@uniquely.me.<br>
160 Thank you for trusting us with your health and wellbeing. We&#39;re committed to providing you with the best care and support during your menopause journey.<br>
161 Warm regards,<br>
162 The UniquelyMe Team</span></span></span></span></span></span>
163 </p>
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179 <span draggable="true" id="iayqh" style="font-size:12px;"><span draggable="true" id="il87k" style="color:#000000;">If you didn't request this email, please contact your administrator.</span></span>
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182 <span draggable="true" id="ibb4j" style="color:#000000;"><span draggable="true" id="ihaqs" style="font-size:12px;">@${currentYear} All Rights Reserved</span></span>
183 </p>
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