5df35430 by Adam Heath

Importing into a fresh repository.

1 parent c34624fb
FROM docker.brainfood.com/php5-fpm
ADD /overlay/ /
RUN /tmp/build/preseed.sh
RUN ["apt-docker", \
"-y", "install", "-t", "jessie-backports", "dbconfig-common", "roundcube-mysql", "roundcube-plugins", "roundcube", "php5-mysql", "apache2-", \
";" ]
version: '2'
image: docker.brainfood.com/roundcube
context: .
- http_proxy
- https_proxy
- 9000
include = /etc/php5/fpm/app-defaults.conf
prefix = /var/lib
; Unix user/group of processes
; Note: The user is mandatory. If the group is not set, the default user's group
; will be used.
user = www-data
group = www-data
set -e
debconf-set-selections < /tmp/build/roundcube.preseed
rm /tmp/build/preseed.sh /tmp/build/roundcube.preseed
rmdir /tmp/build 2>/dev/null || true
roundcube-core roundcube/mysql/method select tcp/ip
roundcube-core roundcube/dbconfig-reinstall boolean false
roundcube-core roundcube/purge boolean false
roundcube-core roundcube/language select en_US
roundcube-core roundcube/restart-webserver boolean false
roundcube-core roundcube/install-error select ignore
roundcube-core roundcube/mysql/admin-user string root
roundcube-core roundcube/database-type select mysql
roundcube-core roundcube/internal/skip-preseed boolean true
roundcube-core roundcube/remote/newhost string mysql-server
roundcube-core roundcube/remote/port string 3306
roundcube-core roundcube/remote/host select mysql-server
roundcube-core roundcube/db/app-user string roundcube
roundcube-core roundcube/db/dbname string roundcube
roundcube-core roundcube/hosts string mail