d2c53be3 by David LaPalomento

Merge pull request #411 from dmlap/next-segment-calculation

Determine the segment to load by looking at buffered
2 parents e3c7a1bc 0de3d793
(function(window) {
var textRange = function(range, i) {
return range.start(i) + '-' + range.end(i);
var module = {
hexDump: function(data) {
......@@ -26,6 +29,13 @@
tagDump: function(tag) {
return module.hexDump(tag.bytes);
textRanges: function(ranges) {
var result = '', i;
for (i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
result += textRange(ranges, i) + ' ';
return result;
......@@ -2,13 +2,7 @@
* playlist-loader
* A state machine that manages the loading, caching, and updating of
* M3U8 playlists. When tracking a live playlist, loaders will keep
* track of the duration of content that expired since the loader was
* initialized and when the current discontinuity sequence was
* encountered. A complete media timeline for a live playlist with
* expiring segments looks like this:
* |-- expired --|-- segments --|
* M3U8 playlists.
(function(window, videojs) {
......@@ -16,7 +10,6 @@
resolveUrl = videojs.Hls.resolveUrl,
xhr = videojs.Hls.xhr,
Playlist = videojs.Hls.Playlist,
mergeOptions = videojs.mergeOptions,
......@@ -158,14 +151,6 @@
// initialize the loader state
loader.state = 'HAVE_NOTHING';
// The total duration of all segments that expired and have been
// removed from the current playlist, in seconds. This property
// should always be zero for non-live playlists. In a live
// playlist, this is the total amount of time that has been
// removed from the stream since the playlist loader began
// tracking it.
loader.expired_ = 0;
// capture the prototype dispose function
dispose = this.dispose;
......@@ -187,20 +172,20 @@
* active media playlist. When called with a single argument,
* triggers the playlist loader to asynchronously switch to the
* specified media playlist. Calling this method while the
* loader is in the HAVE_NOTHING or HAVE_MASTER states causes an
* error to be emitted but otherwise has no effect.
* loader is in the HAVE_NOTHING causes an error to be emitted
* but otherwise has no effect.
* @param playlist (optional) {object} the parsed media playlist
* object to switch to
loader.media = function(playlist) {
var mediaChange = false;
var startingState = loader.state, mediaChange;
// getter
if (!playlist) {
return loader.media_;
// setter
if (loader.state === 'HAVE_NOTHING' || loader.state === 'HAVE_MASTER') {
if (loader.state === 'HAVE_NOTHING') {
throw new Error('Cannot switch media playlist from ' + loader.state);
......@@ -213,7 +198,7 @@
playlist = loader.master.playlists[playlist];
mediaChange = playlist.uri !== loader.media_.uri;
mediaChange = !loader.media_ || playlist.uri !== loader.media_.uri;
// switch to fully loaded playlists immediately
if (loader.master.playlists[playlist.uri].endList) {
......@@ -258,7 +243,17 @@
withCredentials: withCredentials
}, function(error, request) {
haveMetadata(error, request, playlist.uri);
if (error) {
// fire loadedmetadata the first time a media playlist is loaded
if (startingState === 'HAVE_MASTER') {
} else {
......@@ -320,19 +315,13 @@
loader.master.playlists[loader.master.playlists[i].uri] = loader.master.playlists[i];
request = xhr({
uri: resolveUrl(srcUrl, parser.manifest.playlists[0].uri),
withCredentials: withCredentials
}, function(error, request) {
// pass along the URL specified in the master playlist
if (!error) {
return loader.trigger('loadedplaylist');
if (!request) {
// no media playlist was specifically selected so start
// from the first listed one
// loaded a media playlist
......@@ -356,43 +345,10 @@
* @param update {object} the updated media playlist object
PlaylistLoader.prototype.updateMediaPlaylist_ = function(update) {
var expiredCount;
if (this.media_) {
expiredCount = update.mediaSequence - this.media_.mediaSequence;
// update the expired time count
this.expired_ += Playlist.duration(this.media_,
this.media_ = this.master.playlists[update.uri];
* When switching variant playlists in a live stream, the player may
* discover that the new set of available segments is shifted in
* time relative to the old playlist. If that is the case, you can
* call this method to synchronize the playlist loader so that
* subsequent calls to getMediaIndexForTime_() return values
* appropriate for the new playlist.
* @param mediaIndex {integer} the index of the segment that will be
* the used to base timeline calculations on
* @param startTime {number} the media timeline position of the
* first moment of video data for the specified segment. That is,
* data from the specified segment will first be displayed when
* `currentTime` is equal to `startTime`.
PlaylistLoader.prototype.updateTimelineOffset = function(mediaIndex, startingTime) {
var segmentOffset = Playlist.duration(this.media_,
this.media_.mediaSequence + mediaIndex);
this.expired_ = startingTime - segmentOffset;
* Determine the index of the segment that contains a specified
* playback position in the current media playlist. Early versions
* of the HLS specification require segment durations to be rounded
......@@ -411,7 +367,7 @@
* closest playback position that is currently available.
PlaylistLoader.prototype.getMediaIndexForTime_ = function(time) {
var i;
var i, j, segment, targetDuration;
if (!this.media_) {
return 0;
......@@ -419,28 +375,61 @@
// when the requested position is earlier than the current set of
// segments, return the earliest segment index
time -= this.expired_;
if (time < 0) {
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < this.media_.segments.length; i++) {
time -= Playlist.duration(this.media_,
this.media_.mediaSequence + i,
this.media_.mediaSequence + i + 1,
// HLS version 3 and lower round segment durations to the
// nearest decimal integer. When the correct media index is
// ambiguous, prefer the higher one.
if (time <= 0) {
return i;
// 1) Walk backward until we find the latest segment with timeline
// information that is earlier than `time`
targetDuration = this.media_.targetDuration || 10;
i = this.media_.segments.length;
while (i--) {
segment = this.media_.segments[i];
if (segment.end !== undefined && segment.end <= time) {
time -= segment.end;
if (segment.start !== undefined && segment.start < time) {
if (segment.end !== undefined && segment.end > time) {
// we've found the target segment exactly
return i;
time -= segment.start;
time -= segment.duration || targetDuration;
if (time < 0) {
// the segment with start information is also our best guess
// for the momment
return i;
// 2) Walk forward, testing each segment to see if `time` falls within it
for (j = i; j < this.media_.segments.length; j++) {
segment = this.media_.segments[j];
time -= segment.duration || targetDuration;
if (time < 0) {
return j;
// 2a) If we discover a segment that has timeline information
// before finding the result segment, the playlist information
// must have been inaccurate. Start a binary search for the
// segment which contains `time`. If the guess turns out to be
// incorrect, we'll have more info to work with next time.
if (segment.start !== undefined || segment.end !== undefined) {
return Math.floor((j - i) * 0.5);
// the playback position is outside the range of available
// segments so return the last one
return this.media_.segments.length - 1;
// segments so return the length
return this.media_.segments.length;
videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader = PlaylistLoader;
......@@ -53,15 +53,6 @@
strictEqual(loader.state, 'HAVE_NOTHING', 'no metadata has loaded yet');
test('starts with no expired time', function() {
var loader = new videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader('media.m3u8');
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
'#EXTINF:10,\n' +
equal(loader.expired_, 0, 'zero seconds expired');
test('requests the initial playlist immediately', function() {
new videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader('master.m3u8');
strictEqual(requests.length, 1, 'made a request');
......@@ -69,13 +60,16 @@
test('moves to HAVE_MASTER after loading a master playlist', function() {
var loader = new videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader('master.m3u8');
var loader = new videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader('master.m3u8'), state;
loader.on('loadedplaylist', function() {
state = loader.state;
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
ok(loader.master, 'the master playlist is available');
strictEqual(loader.state, 'HAVE_MASTER', 'the state is correct');
strictEqual(state, 'HAVE_MASTER', 'the state at loadedplaylist correct');
test('jumps to HAVE_METADATA when initialized with a media playlist', function() {
......@@ -172,101 +166,6 @@
strictEqual(loader.state, 'HAVE_METADATA', 'the state is correct');
test('increments expired seconds after a segment is removed', function() {
var loader = new videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader('live.m3u8');
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
'#EXTINF:10,\n' +
'0.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:10,\n' +
'1.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:10,\n' +
'2.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:10,\n' +
clock.tick(10 * 1000); // 10s, one target duration
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
'#EXTINF:10,\n' +
'1.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:10,\n' +
'2.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:10,\n' +
'3.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:10,\n' +
equal(loader.expired_, 10, 'expired one segment');
test('increments expired seconds after a discontinuity', function() {
var loader = new videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader('live.m3u8');
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
'#EXTINF:10,\n' +
'0.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:3,\n' +
'1.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:4,\n' +
clock.tick(10 * 1000); // 10s, one target duration
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
'#EXTINF:3,\n' +
'1.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:4,\n' +
equal(loader.expired_, 10, 'expired one segment');
clock.tick(10 * 1000); // 10s, one target duration
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
'#EXTINF:4,\n' +
equal(loader.expired_, 13, 'no expirations after the discontinuity yet');
clock.tick(10 * 1000); // 10s, one target duration
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
'#EXTINF:10,\n' +
equal(loader.expired_, 13 + 4, 'tracked expired prior to the discontinuity');
test('tracks expired seconds properly when two discontinuities expire at once', function() {
var loader = new videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader('live.m3u8');
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
'#EXTINF:4,\n' +
'0.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:5,\n' +
'1.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:6,\n' +
'2.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:7,\n' +
clock.tick(10 * 1000);
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
'#EXTINF:7,\n' +
equal(loader.expired_, 4 + 5 + 6, 'tracked both expired discontinuities');
test('emits an error when an initial playlist request fails', function() {
errors = [],
......@@ -453,6 +352,20 @@
'updated the active media');
test('can switch playlists immediately after the master is downloaded', function() {
var loader = new videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader('master.m3u8');
loader.on('loadedplaylist', function() {
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
'low.m3u8\n' +
equal(requests[0].url, urlTo('high.m3u8'), 'switched variants immediately');
test('can switch media playlists based on URI', function() {
var loader = new videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader('master.m3u8');
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
......@@ -624,9 +537,6 @@
'low.m3u8\n' +
throws(function() {
}, 'throws an error from HAVE_MASTER');
test('throws an error if a switch to an unrecognized playlist is requested', function() {
......@@ -743,8 +653,8 @@
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(3), 0, 'time three is index zero');
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(10), 2, 'time 10 is index 2');
'the index is never greater than the length');
'time greater than the length is index 3');
test('returns the lower index when calculating for a segment boundary', function() {
......@@ -757,10 +667,8 @@
'#EXTINF:5,\n' +
'1.ts\n' +
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(4), 0, 'rounds down exact matches');
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(4), 1, 'rounds up exact matches');
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(3.7), 0, 'rounds down');
// FIXME: the test below should pass for HLSv3
//equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(4.2), 0, 'rounds down');
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(4.5), 1, 'rounds up at 0.5');
......@@ -773,7 +681,7 @@
'1001.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:5,\n' +
loader.expired_ = 150;
loader.media().segments[0].start = 150;
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(0), 0, 'the lowest returned value is zero');
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(45), 0, 'expired content returns zero');
......@@ -785,30 +693,6 @@
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(50 + 100 + 6), 1, 'calculates within the second segment');
test('updating the timeline offset adjusts results from getMediaIndexForTime_', function() {
var loader = new videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader('live.m3u8');
requests.pop().respond(200, null,
'#EXTM3U\n' +
'#EXTINF:4,\n' +
'23.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:5,\n' +
'24.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:6,\n' +
'25.ts\n' +
'#EXTINF:7,\n' +
loader.updateTimelineOffset(0, 150);
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(150), 0, 'translated the first segment');
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(130), 0, 'clamps the index to zero');
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(155), 1, 'translated the second segment');
loader.updateTimelineOffset(2, 30);
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(30 - 5 - 1), 0, 'translated the first segment');
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(30 + 7), 3, 'translated the last segment');
equal(loader.getMediaIndexForTime_(30 - 3), 1, 'translated an earlier segment');
test('does not misintrepret playlists missing newlines at the end', function() {
var loader = new videojs.Hls.PlaylistLoader('media.m3u8');
requests.shift().respond(200, null,
......@@ -18,27 +18,6 @@
module('Playlist Interval Duration');
test('accounts expired duration for live playlists', function() {
var duration = Playlist.duration({
mediaSequence: 10,
segments: [{
duration: 10,
uri: '10.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
uri: '11.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
uri: '12.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
uri: '13.ts'
}, 0, 14);
equal(duration, 14 * 10, 'duration includes dropped segments');
test('accounts for non-zero starting VOD media sequences', function() {
var duration = Playlist.duration({
mediaSequence: 10,
......@@ -61,47 +40,37 @@
equal(duration, 4 * 10, 'includes only listed segments');
test('uses PTS values when available', function() {
test('uses timeline values when available', function() {
var duration = Playlist.duration({
mediaSequence: 0,
endList: true,
segments: [{
minVideoPts: 1,
minAudioPts: 2,
start: 0,
uri: '0.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
maxVideoPts: 2 * 10 * 1000 + 1,
maxAudioPts: 2 * 10 * 1000 + 2,
end: 2 * 10 + 2,
uri: '1.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
maxVideoPts: 3 * 10 * 1000 + 1,
maxAudioPts: 3 * 10 * 1000 + 2,
end: 3 * 10 + 2,
uri: '2.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
maxVideoPts: 4 * 10 * 1000 + 1,
maxAudioPts: 4 * 10 * 1000 + 2,
end: 4 * 10 + 2,
uri: '3.ts'
}, 0, 4);
}, 4);
equal(duration, ((4 * 10 * 1000 + 2) - 1) * 0.001, 'used PTS values');
equal(duration, 4 * 10 + 2, 'used timeline values');
test('works when partial PTS information is available', function() {
test('works when partial timeline information is available', function() {
var duration = Playlist.duration({
mediaSequence: 0,
endList: true,
segments: [{
minVideoPts: 1,
minAudioPts: 2,
maxVideoPts: 10 * 1000 + 1,
// intentionally less duration than video
// the max stream duration should be used
maxAudioPts: 10 * 1000 + 1,
start: 0,
uri: '0.ts'
}, {
duration: 9,
......@@ -111,67 +80,17 @@
uri: '2.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
minVideoPts: 30 * 1000 + 7,
minAudioPts: 30 * 1000 + 10,
maxVideoPts: 40 * 1000 + 1,
maxAudioPts: 40 * 1000 + 2,
start: 30.007,
end: 40.002,
uri: '3.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
maxVideoPts: 50 * 1000 + 1,
maxAudioPts: 50 * 1000 + 2,
end: 50.0002,
uri: '4.ts'
}, 0, 5);
}, 5);
((50 * 1000 + 2) - 1) * 0.001,
'calculated with mixed intervals');
test('ignores segments before the start', function() {
var duration = Playlist.duration({
mediaSequence: 0,
segments: [{
duration: 10,
uri: '0.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
uri: '1.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
uri: '2.ts'
}, 1, 3);
equal(duration, 10 + 10, 'ignored the first segment');
test('ignores discontinuity sequences earlier than the start', function() {
var duration = Playlist.duration({
mediaSequence: 0,
discontinuityStarts: [1, 3],
segments: [{
minVideoPts: 0,
minAudioPts: 0,
maxVideoPts: 10 * 1000,
maxAudioPts: 10 * 1000,
uri: '0.ts'
}, {
discontinuity: true,
duration: 9,
uri: '1.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
uri: '2.ts'
}, {
discontinuity: true,
duration: 10,
uri: '3.ts'
}, 2, 4);
equal(duration, 10 + 10, 'excluded the earlier segments');
equal(duration, 50.0002, 'calculated with mixed intervals');
test('ignores discontinuity sequences later than the end', function() {
......@@ -196,20 +115,19 @@
duration: 10,
uri: '3.ts'
}, 0, 2);
}, 2);
equal(duration, 19, 'excluded the later segments');
test('handles trailing segments without PTS information', function() {
var duration = Playlist.duration({
test('handles trailing segments without timeline information', function() {
var playlist, duration;
playlist = {
mediaSequence: 0,
endList: true,
segments: [{
minVideoPts: 0,
minAudioPts: 0,
maxVideoPts: 10 * 1000,
maxAudioPts: 10 * 1000,
start: 0,
end: 10.5,
uri: '0.ts'
}, {
duration: 9,
......@@ -218,107 +136,43 @@
duration: 10,
uri: '2.ts'
}, {
minVideoPts: 29.5 * 1000,
minAudioPts: 29.5 * 1000,
maxVideoPts: 39.5 * 1000,
maxAudioPts: 39.5 * 1000,
start: 29.45,
end: 39.5,
uri: '3.ts'
}, 0, 3);
duration = Playlist.duration(playlist, 3);
equal(duration, 29.45, 'calculated duration');
equal(duration, 29.5, 'calculated duration');
duration = Playlist.duration(playlist, 2);
equal(duration, 19.5, 'calculated duration');
test('uses PTS intervals when the start and end segment have them', function() {
test('uses timeline intervals when segments have them', function() {
var playlist, duration;
playlist = {
mediaSequence: 0,
segments: [{
minVideoPts: 0,
minAudioPts: 0,
maxVideoPts: 10 * 1000,
maxAudioPts: 10 * 1000,
start: 0,
end: 10,
uri: '0.ts'
}, {
duration: 9,
uri: '1.ts'
minVideoPts: 20 * 1000 + 100,
minAudioPts: 20 * 1000 + 100,
maxVideoPts: 30 * 1000 + 100,
maxAudioPts: 30 * 1000 + 100,
start: 20.1,
end: 30.1,
duration: 10,
uri: '2.ts'
duration = Playlist.duration(playlist, 0, 2);
duration = Playlist.duration(playlist, 2);
equal(duration, 20.1, 'used the PTS-based interval');
equal(duration, 20.1, 'used the timeline-based interval');
duration = Playlist.duration(playlist, 0, 3);
equal(duration, 30.1, 'used the PTS-based interval');
test('works for media without audio', function() {
mediaSequence: 0,
endList: true,
segments: [{
minVideoPts: 0,
maxVideoPts: 9 * 1000,
uri: 'no-audio.ts'
}), 9, 'used video PTS values');
test('works for media without video', function() {
mediaSequence: 0,
endList: true,
segments: [{
minAudioPts: 0,
maxAudioPts: 9 * 1000,
uri: 'no-video.ts'
}), 9, 'used video PTS values');
test('uses the largest continuous available PTS ranges', function() {
var playlist = {
mediaSequence: 0,
segments: [{
minVideoPts: 0,
minAudioPts: 0,
maxVideoPts: 10 * 1000,
maxAudioPts: 10 * 1000,
uri: '0.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
uri: '1.ts'
}, {
// starts 0.5s earlier than the previous segment indicates
minVideoPts: 19.5 * 1000,
minAudioPts: 19.5 * 1000,
maxVideoPts: 29.5 * 1000,
maxAudioPts: 29.5 * 1000,
uri: '2.ts'
}, {
duration: 10,
uri: '3.ts'
}, {
// ... but by the last segment, there is actual 0.5s more
// content than duration indicates
minVideoPts: 40.5 * 1000,
minAudioPts: 40.5 * 1000,
maxVideoPts: 50.5 * 1000,
maxAudioPts: 50.5 * 1000,
uri: '4.ts'
equal(Playlist.duration(playlist, 0, 5),
'calculated across the larger PTS interval');
duration = Playlist.duration(playlist, 3);
equal(duration, 30.1, 'used the timeline-based interval');
test('counts the time between segments as part of the earlier segment\'s duration', function() {
......@@ -326,22 +180,18 @@
mediaSequence: 0,
endList: true,
segments: [{
minVideoPts: 0,
minAudioPts: 0,
maxVideoPts: 1 * 10 * 1000,
maxAudioPts: 1 * 10 * 1000,
start: 0,
end: 10,
uri: '0.ts'
}, {
minVideoPts: 1 * 10 * 1000 + 100,
minAudioPts: 1 * 10 * 1000 + 100,
maxVideoPts: 2 * 10 * 1000 + 100,
maxAudioPts: 2 * 10 * 1000 + 100,
start: 10.1,
end: 20.1,
duration: 10,
uri: '1.ts'
}, 0, 1);
}, 1);
equal(duration, (1 * 10 * 1000 + 100) * 0.001, 'included the segment gap');
equal(duration, 10.1, 'included the segment gap');
test('accounts for discontinuities', function() {
......@@ -364,7 +214,7 @@
duration: 10,
uri: '1.ts'
}, 0, 2);
}, 2);
equal(duration, 10 + 10, 'handles discontinuities');
......@@ -389,7 +239,7 @@
duration: 10,
uri: '1.ts'
}, 0, 1);
}, 1);
equal(duration, (1 * 10 * 1000) * 0.001, 'did not include the segment gap');
......@@ -412,7 +262,7 @@
duration: 10,
uri: '1.ts'
}, 0, 1, false);
}, 1, false);
equal(duration, (1 * 10 * 1000) * 0.001, 'did not include the segment gap');
......@@ -431,10 +281,9 @@
equal(Playlist.duration(playlist, 0, 0), 0, 'zero-length duration is zero');
equal(Playlist.duration(playlist, 0, 0, false), 0, 'zero-length duration is zero');
equal(Playlist.duration(playlist, 0, -1), 0, 'negative length duration is zero');
equal(Playlist.duration(playlist, 2, 1, false), 0, 'negative length duration is zero');
equal(Playlist.duration(playlist, 0), 0, 'zero-length duration is zero');
equal(Playlist.duration(playlist, 0, false), 0, 'zero-length duration is zero');
equal(Playlist.duration(playlist, -1), 0, 'negative length duration is zero');
module('Playlist Seekable');