Include a [reduced test case](, we have a [starter template](,output) on JSBin you can use.
## Steps to reproduce
Explain in detail the exact steps necessary to reproduce the issue.
## Results
### Expected
Please describe what you expected to see.
### Actual
Please describe what actually happened.
### Error output
If there are any errors at all, please include them here.
## Additional Information
Please include any additional information necessary here. Including the following:
### Sources
Is a certain segment or source affected? please link to it below.
### versions
### videojs-contrib-hls
what version of videojs-contrib-hls does this occur with?
videojs-contrib-hls x.y.z
#### videojs
what version of videojs does this occur with?
video.js x.y.z
#### browsers
what browser are affected?
#### Operating Systems
what platforms (operating systems and devices) are affected?
### plugins
are any other videojs plugins being used on the page? If so, please list them with version below.
### Other JavaScript
are you using any other javascript libraries or frameworks on the page? if so please list them below.