5bc3830e by David LaPalomento

Update README.md

Describe the goals of the adaptive switching algorithm, instead of the implementation details.
1 parent 73b4ab8f
Showing 1 changed file with 16 additions and 16 deletions
......@@ -177,22 +177,22 @@ configured. Easy [instructions are
available](http://enable-cors.org/server.html) for popular webservers
and most CDNs should have no trouble turning CORS on for your account.
## MBR Rendition Selection Logic
In situations where manifests have multiple renditions, the player will
go through the following algorithm to determine the best rendition by
bandwidth and viewport dimensions.
- Start on index 0 as defined in the HLS Spec (link above)
- On a successful load complete per segment determine the following;
- player.hls.bandwidth set to value as segment byte size over download time
- Viewport width/height as determined by player.width()/player.height()
- Playlists mapped and sorted by BANDWIDTH less than or equal to 1.1x player.hls.bandwidth
- Best playlist variant by BANDWIDTH determined
- Subset of bandwidth appropriate renditions mapped
- Subset validated for RESOLUTION attributes less than or equal to player dimensions
- Best playlist variant by RESOLUTION determined
- Result is as follows;
- [Best RESOLUTION variant] OR [Best BANDWIDTH variant] OR [inital playlist in manifest]
## Adaptive Switching Behavior
The HLS tech tries to ensure the highest-quality viewing experience
possible, given the available bandwidth and encodings. This doesn't
always mean using the highest-bitrate rendition available-- if the player
is 300px by 150px, it would be a big waste of bandwidth to download a 4k
stream. By default, the player attempts to load the highest-bitrate
variant that is less than the most recently detected segment bandwidth,
with one condition: if there are multiple variants with dimensions greater
than the current player size, it will only switch up one size greater
than the current player size.
If you'd like your player to use a different set of priorities, it's
possible to completely replace the rendition selection logic. For
instance, you could always choose the most appropriate rendition by
resolution, even though this might mean more stalls during playback.
See the documentation on `player.hls.selectPlaylist` for more details.
## Release History
- 0.9.0: support segment level AES-128 encryption