4f2d554c by David LaPalomento

Reuse the merge commit for the changelog update

Modify the accept-as-is contrib.json task to add the changelog entry to a custom merge commit.
1 parent d37dc706
......@@ -342,15 +342,16 @@
{ "get": "{{meta.urls.repo_api}}/pulls/{{prNum}}", "desc": "Get the PR information", "id": "pr" },
{ "get": "{{meta.urls.repo_api}}/pulls/{{prNum}}/commits", "desc": "Get the PR commits to access author info", "id": "prCommits" },
[ "git checkout -b {{pr.user.login}}-{{pr.head.ref}} {{pr.base.ref}}", "Create a new branch for merging the changes" ],
[ "git pull --rebase {{pr.head.repo.ssh_url}}", "Merge and rebase the changes"],
[ "grunt test", "Run tests to make sure they still pass" ],
[ "git pull {{pr.head.repo.ssh_url}} {{pr.head.ref}}", "Merge in the changes"],
[ "git rebase {{pr.base.ref}}", "Rebase against the latest changes in the base branch"],
[ "git checkout {{pr.base.ref}}", "Check out the base branch" ],
{ "prompt": "confirm", "desc": "Does everything look ok?" },
{ "prompt": "text", "id": "line", "desc": "Describe this change in one line" },
[ "git merge --no-ff {{pr.user.login}}-{{pr.head.ref}} -m {{line}}. Closes #{{prNum}}", "Merge the changes" ],
[ "grunt test", "Run tests to make sure they still pass" ],
[ "grunt chg-add:'{{line}} ([view](https\\://github.com/{{meta.org}}/{{meta.name}}/pull/{{prNum}}))'", "Add a line to the changelog" ],
[ "git add CHANGELOG.md", "Add the changlelog change to be committed" ],
[ "git commit -a --author='{{prCommits.[0].commit.author.name}} <{{prCommits.[0].commit.author.email}}>' -m '{{line}}. closes #{{prNum}}'", "Commit the changes" ],
{ "prompt": "confirm", "desc": "Does everything look ok?" },
[ "git checkout {{pr.base.ref}}", "Check out the base branch" ],
[ "git merge --no-ff {{pr.user.login}}-{{pr.head.ref}}", "Merge the changes" ],
[ "git commit --amend", "Add the changelog change to the merge commit" ],
[ "git push origin {{pr.base.ref}}", "Push the changes to your remote copy of the project" ],
[ "git push upstream {{pr.base.ref}}", "Push the changes to the main project" ],
[ "git branch -D {{pr.user.login}}-{{pr.head.ref}}", "Delete the local branch used for merging" ]