3f87ad97 by Tom Johnson

Document rendition selection logic in README and update code commentary for rend…

…ition sort by viewport logic
1 parent 441895be
......@@ -101,5 +101,22 @@ configured. Easy [instructions are
available](http://enable-cors.org/server.html) for popular webservers
and most CDNs should have no trouble turning CORS on for your account.
## MBR Rendition Selection Logic
In situations where manifests have multiple renditions, the player will
go through the following algorithm to determine the best rendition by
bandwidth and viewport dimensions.
- Start on index 0 as defined in the HLS Spec (link above)
- On a successful load complete per segment determine the following;
- player.hls.bandwidth set to value as segment byte size over download time
- Viewport width/height as determined by player.width()/player.height()
- Playlists mapped and sorted by BANDWIDTH less than or equal to 1.1x player.hls.bandwidth
- Best playlist variant by BANDWIDTH determined
- Subset of bandwidth appropriate renditions mapped
- Subset validated for RESOLUTION attributes less than or equal to player dimensions
- Best playlist variant by RESOLUTION determined
- Result is as follows;
- [Best RESOLUTION variant] OR [Best BANDWIDTH variant] OR [inital playlist in manifest]
## Release History
_(Nothing yet)_
......@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ var
rightWidth = rightWidth || window.Number.MAX_VALUE;
// NOTE - Fallback to bandwidth sort as appropriate in cases where multiple renditions
// have the same media dimensions/ resolution
if (leftWidth === rightWidth && left.attributes.BANDWIDTH && right.attributes.BANDWIDTH) {
return left.attributes.BANDWIDTH - right.attributes.BANDWIDTH;
} else {