0eec9a25 by David LaPalomento

Grow flv-tag buffer when needed. Optimize double metadata tags

Check whether the byte buffer is large enough before performing a write and allocate a larger buffer if necessary. Do less byte-by-byte ops when writing metadata double tags since they were a significant portion of parse computation when testing on my laptop.
1 parent 0acf0d03
(function(window) {
var hls = window.videojs.hls;
hls = window.videojs.hls,
// commonly used metadata properties
widthBytes = new Uint8Array('width'.length),
heightBytes = new Uint8Array('height'.length),
videocodecidBytes = new Uint8Array('videocodecid'.length),
// calculating the bytes of common metadata names ahead of time makes the
// corresponding writes faster because we don't have to loop over the
// characters
// re-test with test/perf.html if you're planning on changing this
for (i in 'width') {
widthBytes[i] = 'width'.charCodeAt(i);
for (i in 'height') {
heightBytes[i] = 'height'.charCodeAt(i);
for (i in 'videocodecid') {
videocodecidBytes[i] = 'videocodecid'.charCodeAt(i);
// (type:uint, extraData:Boolean = false) extends ByteArray
hls.FlvTag = function(type, extraData) {
......@@ -143,23 +164,47 @@ hls.FlvTag = function(type, extraData) {
adHoc = 0;
* Write out a 64-bit floating point valued metadata property. This method is
* called frequently during a typical parse and needs to be fast.
// (key:String, val:Number):void
this.writeMetaDataDouble = function(key, val) {
var i;
prepareWrite(this, 2);
prepareWrite(this, 2 + key.length + 9);
// write size of property name
this.view.setUint16(this.position, key.length);
this.position += 2;
// this next part looks terrible but it improves parser throughput by
// 10kB/s in my testing
// write property name
if (key === 'width') {
this.bytes.set(widthBytes, this.position);
this.position += 5;
} else if (key === 'height') {
this.bytes.set(heightBytes, this.position);
this.position += 6;
} else if (key === 'videocodecid') {
this.bytes.set(videocodecidBytes, this.position);
this.position += 12;
} else {
for (i in key) {
console.assert(key.charCodeAt(i) < 255);
prepareWrite(this, 1);
this.bytes[this.position] = key.charCodeAt(i);
prepareWrite(this, 9);
this.view.setUint8(this.position, 0x00);
// skip null byte
// write property value
this.view.setFloat64(this.position, val);
this.position += 8;
// update flv tag length
this.length = Math.max(this.length, this.position);