0361b81f by David LaPalomento

Merge pull request #489 from dmlap/fixup-readme

2 parents 61350b49 10725170
Showing 1 changed file with 67 additions and 43 deletions
# video.js HLS Tech
# video.js HLS Source Handler
A video.js tech that plays HLS video on platforms that don't support it but have Flash.
Play back HLS with video.js, even where it's not natively supported.
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/videojs/videojs-contrib-hls.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/videojs/videojs-contrib-hls)
## Getting Started
Download [videojs-contrib-media-sources](https://github.com/videojs/videojs-contrib-media-sources/releases) and [videojs-contrib-hls](https://github.com/videojs/videojs-contrib-hls/releases). Include them both in your web page along with video.js:
and include it in your page along with video.js:
<video id=example-video width=600 height=300 class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls>
......@@ -14,7 +16,6 @@ Download [videojs-contrib-media-sources](https://github.com/videojs/videojs-cont
<script src="video.js"></script>
<script src="videojs-media-sources.js"></script>
<script src="videojs-hls.min.js"></script>
var player = videojs('example-video');
......@@ -41,30 +42,40 @@ position of having to maintain alternate renditions of the same video
and potentially having to forego HTML-based video entirely to provide
the best desktop viewing experience.
This tech attempts to address that situation by providing a polyfill
for HLS on browsers that have Flash support. You can deploy a single
HLS stream, code against the regular HTML5 video APIs, and create a
fast, high-quality video experience across all the big web device
This project addresses that situation by providing a polyfill for HLS
on browsers that have support for [Media Source
Extensions](http://caniuse.com/#feat=mediasource), or failing that,
support Flash. You can deploy a single HLS stream, code against the
regular HTML5 video APIs, and create a fast, high-quality video
experience across all the big web device categories.
Check out the [full documentation](docs/) for details on how HLS works
and advanced configuration. A description of the [adaptive switching
behavior](docs/bitrate-switching.md) is available, too.
The videojs-hls tech is still working towards a 1.0 release so it
may not fit your requirements today. Specifically, there is _no_
support for:
- Alternate audio and video tracks
- Subtitles
- Segment codecs _other than_ H.264 with AAC audio
- Internet Explorer < 10
videojs-contrib-hls support a bunch of HLS v2 and v3 features. Here
are some highlights:
- video-on-demand and live playback modes
- backup or redundant streams
- mid-segment quality switching
- AES-128 segment encryption
- CEA-608 captions are automatically translated into standard HTML5
[caption text
- Timed ID3 Metadata is automatically translated into HTML5 metedata
text tracks
- Highly customizable adaptive bitrate selection
- Automatic bandwidth tracking
- Cross-domain credentials support with CORS
- Tight integration with video.js and a philosophy of exposing as much
as possible with standard HTML APIs
### Options
You may pass in an options object to the hls tech at player
initialization. You can pass in options just like you would for any
other tech:
You may pass in an options object to the hls source handler at player
initialization. You can pass in options just like you would for other
parts of video.js:
videojs(video, {
......@@ -88,14 +99,28 @@ See html5rocks's [article](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/cors/)
for more info.
### Runtime Properties
#### player.hls.playlists.master
Runtime properties are attached to the tech object when HLS is in
use. You can get a reference to the HLS source handler like this:
var hls = player.tech({ IWillNotUseThisInPlugins: true }).hls;
If you *were* thinking about modifying runtime properties in a
video.js plugin, we'd recommend you avoid it. Your plugin won't work
with videos that don't use videojs-contrib-hls and the best plugins
work across all the media types that video.js supports. If you're
deploying videojs-contrib-hls on your own website and want to make a
couple tweaks though, go for it!
#### hls.playlists.master
Type: `object`
An object representing the parsed master playlist. If a media playlist
is loaded directly, a master playlist with only one entry will be
#### player.hls.playlists.media
#### hls.playlists.media
Type: `function`
A function that can be used to retrieve or modify the currently active
......@@ -108,19 +133,13 @@ will kick off an asynchronous load of the specified media
playlist. Once it has been retreived, it will become the active media
#### player.hls.mediaIndex
Type: `number`
The index of the next video segment to be downloaded from
#### player.hls.segmentXhrTime
#### hls.segmentXhrTime
Type: `number`
The number of milliseconds it took to download the last media segment.
This value is updated after each segment download completes.
#### player.hls.bandwidth
#### hls.bandwidth
Type: `number`
The number of bits downloaded per second in the last segment download.
......@@ -134,12 +153,12 @@ have a more accurate source of bandwidth information, you can override
this value as soon as the HLS tech has loaded to provide an initial
bandwidth estimate.
#### player.hls.bytesReceived
#### hls.bytesReceived
Type: `number`
The total number of content bytes downloaded by the HLS tech.
#### player.hls.selectPlaylist
#### hls.selectPlaylist
Type: `function`
A function that returns the media playlist object to use to download
......@@ -149,6 +168,11 @@ adaptive streaming logic. You must, however, be sure to return a valid
media playlist object that is present in `player.hls.master`.
### Events
Standard HTML video events are handled by video.js automatically and
are triggered on the player object. In addition, there are a couple
specialized events you can listen to on the HLS object during
#### loadedmetadata
Fired after the first media playlist is downloaded for a stream.
......@@ -181,12 +205,22 @@ text. Cues are created for all other frame types and the data is
attached to the generated cue:
There are lots of guides and references to using text tracks [around
the web](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/track/basics/).
## Hosting Considerations
Unlike a native HLS implementation, the HLS tech has to comply with
the browser's security policies. That means that all the files that
make up the stream must be served from the same domain as the page
hosting the video player or from a server that has appropriate [CORS
configured. Easy [instructions are
available](http://enable-cors.org/server.html) for popular webservers
and most CDNs should have no trouble turning CORS on for your account.
### Testing
For testing, you can either run `npm test` or use `grunt` directly.
......@@ -210,15 +244,5 @@ Possible options are:
_<sup>1</sup>supported end-to-end browsers_<br />
_<sup>2</sup>requires the [SafariDriver extension]( https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/SafariDriver) to be installed_
## Hosting Considerations
Unlike a native HLS implementation, the HLS tech has to comply with
the browser's security policies. That means that all the files that
make up the stream must be served from the same domain as the page
hosting the video player or from a server that has appropriate [CORS
configured. Easy [instructions are
available](http://enable-cors.org/server.html) for popular webservers
and most CDNs should have no trouble turning CORS on for your account.
## Release History
Check out the [changelog](CHANGELOG.md) for a summary of each release.