f9acdd9b by Michael Richards

If the observer's target changes from the previous binding's @model value, recon…

…struct the dependency observers for the binding.
1 parent 2cceb398
......@@ -58,7 +58,15 @@ class Rivets.Binding
# Syncs up the view binding with the model.
sync: =>
@model = @observer.target
if @model isnt @observer.target
observer.unobserve() for observer in @dependencies
@dependencies = []
if (@model = @observer.target)? and @options.dependencies?.length
for dependency in @options.dependencies
observer = new Rivets.Observer @view, @model, dependency, @sync
@dependencies.push observer
@set @observer.value()
# Publishes the value currently set on the input element back to the model.