f05701d3 by Michael Richards

Call the event handler with the same context, but pass in the view as a second a…

…rgument. [Closes #161]
1 parent 421bf22b
......@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ class Rivets.View
# Houses common utility functions used internally by Rivets.js.
Rivets.Util =
# Create a single DOM event binding.
bindEvent: (el, event, handler, context) ->
fn = (e) -> handler.call context, e
bindEvent: (el, event, handler, view) ->
fn = (ev) -> handler.call @, ev, view
if window.jQuery?
el = jQuery el
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ Rivets.binders =
function: true
routine: (el, value) ->
Rivets.Util.unbindEvent el, @args[0], @currentListener if @currentListener
@currentListener = Rivets.Util.bindEvent el, @args[0], value, @model
@currentListener = Rivets.Util.bindEvent el, @args[0], value, @view
block: true