ecb605f6 by Adam Heath

Add support for constant-text expressions. This new advanced parser

activates when it detects {{}} in the attribute value.  This can be
useful when building up values with variables interspersed with
constants.  An example is

This correctly handles bind/unbind, and updates to the possibly many
internal variables.
1 parent c5f6d853
......@@ -117,7 +117,54 @@ loopDeps = (binder, callback) ->
callback model, keypath
expressionRegex = /(.*?)\{\{([^{}]+)\}\}/
createSubExpressionBinder = (outerBinding, values, i) ->
values[i] = null
routine: (el, value) ->
values[i] = value
defaultExpressionParser = (view, node, type, models, value) ->
if expressionRegex.test value
binding = new Rivets.Binding node, type, models
values = []
subs = []
while value && expressionRegex.test value
matches = expressionRegex.exec value
value = value.substring matches[0].length
values[values.length] = matches[1] if matches[1]
subs[subs.length] = subBinding = defaultExpressionParser view, null, '*', models, matches[2]
subBinding.binder = createSubExpressionBinder binding, values, values.length
values[values.length] = value if value
bindMethod = binding.bind
unbindMethod = binding.unbind
binding.sync = ->
binding.set values.join ''
# Publishes the value currently set on the input element back to the model.
binding.publish = ->
# can't really do anything with this
# Subscribes to the model for changes at the specified keypath. Bi-directional
# routines will also listen for changes on the element to propagate them back
# to the model.
binding.bind = ->
for sub in subs
# Unsubscribes from the model and the element.
binding.unbind = ->
for sub in subs
return binding
pipes = (pipe.trim() for pipe in value.split '|')
context = (ctx.trim() for ctx in pipes.shift().split '<')
path = context.shift()