d29df654 by Michael Richards

Build 0.6.0.

1 parent b878ba4d
1 { 1 {
2 "name": "rivets", 2 "name": "rivets",
3 "repo": "mikeric/rivets", 3 "repo": "mikeric/rivets",
4 "description": "Declarative data binding facility.", 4 "description": "Declarative data binding + templating solution.",
5 "version": "0.5.13", 5 "version": "0.6.0",
6 "keywords": ["data binding", "templating"], 6 "keywords": ["data binding", "templating"],
7 "scripts": ["dist/rivets.js"], 7 "scripts": ["dist/rivets.js"],
8 "main": "dist/rivets.js", 8 "main": "dist/rivets.js",
1 // Rivets.js 1 // Rivets.js
2 // version: 0.5.13 2 // version: 0.6.0
3 // author: Michael Richards 3 // author: Michael Richards
4 // license: MIT 4 // license: MIT
5 (function() { 5 (function() {
6 var Rivets, jQuery, 6 var KeypathObserver, Rivets,
7 __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }, 7 __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },
8 __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; },
8 __slice = [].slice, 9 __slice = [].slice,
9 __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, 10 __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
10 __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, 11 __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };
11 __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
12 12
13 Rivets = {}; 13 Rivets = {
14 binders: {},
15 components: {},
16 formatters: {},
17 adapters: {},
18 config: {
19 prefix: 'rv',
20 templateDelimiters: ['{', '}'],
21 rootInterface: '.',
22 preloadData: true,
23 handler: function(context, ev, binding) {
24 return this.call(context, ev, binding.view.models);
25 }
26 }
27 };
14 28
15 jQuery = window.jQuery || window.Zepto; 29 Rivets.Util = {
30 bindEvent: function(el, event, handler) {
31 if (window.jQuery != null) {
32 el = jQuery(el);
33 if (el.on != null) {
34 return el.on(event, handler);
35 } else {
36 return el.bind(event, handler);
37 }
38 } else if (window.addEventListener != null) {
39 return el.addEventListener(event, handler, false);
40 } else {
41 event = 'on' + event;
42 return el.attachEvent(event, handler);
43 }
44 },
45 unbindEvent: function(el, event, handler) {
46 if (window.jQuery != null) {
47 el = jQuery(el);
48 if (el.off != null) {
49 return el.off(event, handler);
50 } else {
51 return el.unbind(event, handler);
52 }
53 } else if (window.removeEventListener != null) {
54 return el.removeEventListener(event, handler, false);
55 } else {
56 event = 'on' + event;
57 return el.detachEvent(event, handler);
58 }
59 },
60 getInputValue: function(el) {
61 var o, _i, _len, _results;
62 if (window.jQuery != null) {
63 el = jQuery(el);
64 switch (el[0].type) {
65 case 'checkbox':
66 return el.is(':checked');
67 default:
68 return el.val();
69 }
70 } else {
71 switch (el.type) {
72 case 'checkbox':
73 return el.checked;
74 case 'select-multiple':
75 _results = [];
76 for (_i = 0, _len = el.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
77 o = el[_i];
78 if (o.selected) {
79 _results.push(o.value);
80 }
81 }
82 return _results;
83 break;
84 default:
85 return el.value;
86 }
87 }
88 }
89 };
16 90
17 if (!String.prototype.trim) { 91 Rivets.View = (function() {
18 String.prototype.trim = function() { 92 function View(els, models, options) {
19 return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); 93 var k, option, v, _base, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _ref2;
94 this.els = els;
95 this.models = models;
96 this.options = options != null ? options : {};
97 this.update = __bind(this.update, this);
98 this.publish = __bind(this.publish, this);
99 this.sync = __bind(this.sync, this);
100 this.unbind = __bind(this.unbind, this);
101 this.bind = __bind(this.bind, this);
102 this.select = __bind(this.select, this);
103 this.build = __bind(this.build, this);
104 this.componentRegExp = __bind(this.componentRegExp, this);
105 this.bindingRegExp = __bind(this.bindingRegExp, this);
106 if (!(this.els.jquery || this.els instanceof Array)) {
107 this.els = [this.els];
108 }
109 _ref = ['config', 'binders', 'formatters', 'adapters'];
110 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
111 option = _ref[_i];
112 this[option] = {};
113 if (this.options[option]) {
114 _ref1 = this.options[option];
115 for (k in _ref1) {
116 v = _ref1[k];
117 this[option][k] = v;
118 }
119 }
120 _ref2 = Rivets[option];
121 for (k in _ref2) {
122 v = _ref2[k];
123 if ((_base = this[option])[k] == null) {
124 _base[k] = v;
125 }
126 }
127 }
128 this.build();
129 }
131 View.prototype.bindingRegExp = function() {
132 return new RegExp("^" + this.config.prefix + "-");
133 };
135 View.prototype.componentRegExp = function() {
136 return new RegExp("^" + (this.config.prefix.toUpperCase()) + "-");
20 }; 137 };
139 View.prototype.build = function() {
140 var bindingRegExp, buildBinding, componentRegExp, el, parse, skipNodes, _i, _len, _ref,
141 _this = this;
142 this.bindings = [];
143 skipNodes = [];
144 bindingRegExp = this.bindingRegExp();
145 componentRegExp = this.componentRegExp();
146 buildBinding = function(binding, node, type, declaration) {
147 var context, ctx, dependencies, keypath, options, pipe, pipes;
148 options = {};
149 pipes = (function() {
150 var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
151 _ref = declaration.split('|');
152 _results = [];
153 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
154 pipe = _ref[_i];
155 _results.push(pipe.trim());
156 }
157 return _results;
158 })();
159 context = (function() {
160 var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
161 _ref = pipes.shift().split('<');
162 _results = [];
163 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
164 ctx = _ref[_i];
165 _results.push(ctx.trim());
21 } 166 }
167 return _results;
168 })();
169 keypath = context.shift();
170 options.formatters = pipes;
171 if (dependencies = context.shift()) {
172 options.dependencies = dependencies.split(/\s+/);
173 }
174 return _this.bindings.push(new Rivets[binding](_this, node, type, keypath, options));
175 };
176 parse = function(node) {
177 var attribute, attributes, binder, childNode, delimiters, identifier, n, parser, regexp, restTokens, startToken, text, token, tokens, type, value, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _len3, _len4, _m, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _results;
178 if (__indexOf.call(skipNodes, node) < 0) {
179 if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
180 parser = Rivets.TextTemplateParser;
181 if (delimiters = _this.config.templateDelimiters) {
182 if ((tokens = parser.parse(node.data, delimiters)).length) {
183 if (!(tokens.length === 1 && tokens[0].type === parser.types.text)) {
184 startToken = tokens[0], restTokens = 2 <= tokens.length ? __slice.call(tokens, 1) : [];
185 node.data = startToken.value;
186 if (startToken.type === 0) {
187 node.data = startToken.value;
188 } else {
189 buildBinding('TextBinding', node, null, startToken.value);
190 }
191 for (_i = 0, _len = restTokens.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
192 token = restTokens[_i];
193 text = document.createTextNode(token.value);
194 node.parentNode.appendChild(text);
195 if (token.type === 1) {
196 buildBinding('TextBinding', text, null, token.value);
197 }
198 }
199 }
200 }
201 }
202 } else if (componentRegExp.test(node.tagName)) {
203 type = node.tagName.replace(componentRegExp, '').toLowerCase();
204 _this.bindings.push(new Rivets.ComponentBinding(_this, node, type));
205 } else if (node.attributes != null) {
206 _ref = node.attributes;
207 for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
208 attribute = _ref[_j];
209 if (bindingRegExp.test(attribute.name)) {
210 type = attribute.name.replace(bindingRegExp, '');
211 if (!(binder = _this.binders[type])) {
212 _ref1 = _this.binders;
213 for (identifier in _ref1) {
214 value = _ref1[identifier];
215 if (identifier !== '*' && identifier.indexOf('*') !== -1) {
216 regexp = new RegExp("^" + (identifier.replace('*', '.+')) + "$");
217 if (regexp.test(type)) {
218 binder = value;
219 }
220 }
221 }
222 }
223 binder || (binder = _this.binders['*']);
224 if (binder.block) {
225 _ref2 = node.childNodes;
226 for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
227 n = _ref2[_k];
228 skipNodes.push(n);
229 }
230 attributes = [attribute];
231 }
232 }
233 }
234 _ref3 = attributes || node.attributes;
235 for (_l = 0, _len3 = _ref3.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
236 attribute = _ref3[_l];
237 if (bindingRegExp.test(attribute.name)) {
238 type = attribute.name.replace(bindingRegExp, '');
239 buildBinding('Binding', node, type, attribute.value);
240 }
241 }
242 }
243 _ref4 = node.childNodes;
244 _results = [];
245 for (_m = 0, _len4 = _ref4.length; _m < _len4; _m++) {
246 childNode = _ref4[_m];
247 _results.push(parse(childNode));
248 }
249 return _results;
250 }
251 };
252 _ref = this.els;
253 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
254 el = _ref[_i];
255 parse(el);
256 }
257 };
259 View.prototype.select = function(fn) {
260 var binding, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
261 _ref = this.bindings;
262 _results = [];
263 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
264 binding = _ref[_i];
265 if (fn(binding)) {
266 _results.push(binding);
267 }
268 }
269 return _results;
270 };
272 View.prototype.bind = function() {
273 var binding, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
274 _ref = this.bindings;
275 _results = [];
276 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
277 binding = _ref[_i];
278 _results.push(binding.bind());
279 }
280 return _results;
281 };
283 View.prototype.unbind = function() {
284 var binding, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
285 _ref = this.bindings;
286 _results = [];
287 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
288 binding = _ref[_i];
289 _results.push(binding.unbind());
290 }
291 return _results;
292 };
294 View.prototype.sync = function() {
295 var binding, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
296 _ref = this.bindings;
297 _results = [];
298 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
299 binding = _ref[_i];
300 _results.push(binding.sync());
301 }
302 return _results;
303 };
305 View.prototype.publish = function() {
306 var binding, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
307 _ref = this.select(function(b) {
308 return b.binder.publishes;
309 });
310 _results = [];
311 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
312 binding = _ref[_i];
313 _results.push(binding.publish());
314 }
315 return _results;
316 };
318 View.prototype.update = function(models) {
319 var binding, key, model, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
320 if (models == null) {
321 models = {};
322 }
323 for (key in models) {
324 model = models[key];
325 this.models[key] = model;
326 }
327 _ref = this.bindings;
328 _results = [];
329 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
330 binding = _ref[_i];
331 _results.push(binding.update(models));
332 }
333 return _results;
334 };
336 return View;
338 })();
22 339
23 Rivets.Binding = (function() { 340 Rivets.Binding = (function() {
24 function Binding(view, el, type, key, keypath, options) { 341 function Binding(view, el, type, keypath, options) {
25 var identifier, regexp, value, _ref;
26 this.view = view; 342 this.view = view;
27 this.el = el; 343 this.el = el;
28 this.type = type; 344 this.type = type;
29 this.key = key;
30 this.keypath = keypath; 345 this.keypath = keypath;
31 this.options = options != null ? options : {}; 346 this.options = options != null ? options : {};
32 this.update = __bind(this.update, this); 347 this.update = __bind(this.update, this);
...@@ -37,15 +352,25 @@ ...@@ -37,15 +352,25 @@
37 this.set = __bind(this.set, this); 352 this.set = __bind(this.set, this);
38 this.eventHandler = __bind(this.eventHandler, this); 353 this.eventHandler = __bind(this.eventHandler, this);
39 this.formattedValue = __bind(this.formattedValue, this); 354 this.formattedValue = __bind(this.formattedValue, this);
40 if (!(this.binder = this.view.binders[type])) { 355 this.setObserver = __bind(this.setObserver, this);
356 this.setBinder = __bind(this.setBinder, this);
357 this.formatters = this.options.formatters || [];
358 this.dependencies = [];
359 this.setBinder();
360 this.setObserver();
361 }
363 Binding.prototype.setBinder = function() {
364 var identifier, regexp, value, _ref;
365 if (!(this.binder = this.view.binders[this.type])) {
41 _ref = this.view.binders; 366 _ref = this.view.binders;
42 for (identifier in _ref) { 367 for (identifier in _ref) {
43 value = _ref[identifier]; 368 value = _ref[identifier];
44 if (identifier !== '*' && identifier.indexOf('*') !== -1) { 369 if (identifier !== '*' && identifier.indexOf('*') !== -1) {
45 regexp = new RegExp("^" + (identifier.replace('*', '.+')) + "$"); 370 regexp = new RegExp("^" + (identifier.replace('*', '.+')) + "$");
46 if (regexp.test(type)) { 371 if (regexp.test(this.type)) {
47 this.binder = value; 372 this.binder = value;
48 this.args = new RegExp("^" + (identifier.replace('*', '(.+)')) + "$").exec(type); 373 this.args = new RegExp("^" + (identifier.replace('*', '(.+)')) + "$").exec(this.type);
49 this.args.shift(); 374 this.args.shift();
50 } 375 }
51 } 376 }
...@@ -53,13 +378,27 @@ ...@@ -53,13 +378,27 @@
53 } 378 }
54 this.binder || (this.binder = this.view.binders['*']); 379 this.binder || (this.binder = this.view.binders['*']);
55 if (this.binder instanceof Function) { 380 if (this.binder instanceof Function) {
56 this.binder = { 381 return this.binder = {
57 routine: this.binder 382 routine: this.binder
58 }; 383 };
59 } 384 }
60 this.formatters = this.options.formatters || []; 385 };
61 this.model = this.key ? this.view.models[this.key] : this.view.models; 386
387 Binding.prototype.setObserver = function() {
388 var _this = this;
389 this.observer = new KeypathObserver(this.view, this.view.models, this.keypath, function(obs) {
390 if (_this.key) {
391 _this.unbind(true);
392 }
393 _this.model = obs.target;
394 if (_this.key) {
395 _this.bind(true);
62 } 396 }
397 return _this.sync();
398 });
399 this.key = this.observer.key;
400 return this.model = this.observer.target;
401 };
63 402
64 Binding.prototype.formattedValue = function(value) { 403 Binding.prototype.formattedValue = function(value) {
65 var args, formatter, id, _i, _len, _ref; 404 var args, formatter, id, _i, _len, _ref;
...@@ -68,7 +407,7 @@ ...@@ -68,7 +407,7 @@
68 formatter = _ref[_i]; 407 formatter = _ref[_i];
69 args = formatter.split(/\s+/); 408 args = formatter.split(/\s+/);
70 id = args.shift(); 409 id = args.shift();
71 formatter = this.model[id] instanceof Function ? this.model[id] : this.view.formatters[id]; 410 formatter = this.view.formatters[id];
72 if ((formatter != null ? formatter.read : void 0) instanceof Function) { 411 if ((formatter != null ? formatter.read : void 0) instanceof Function) {
73 value = formatter.read.apply(formatter, [value].concat(__slice.call(args))); 412 value = formatter.read.apply(formatter, [value].concat(__slice.call(args)));
74 } else if (formatter instanceof Function) { 413 } else if (formatter instanceof Function) {
...@@ -93,7 +432,7 @@ ...@@ -93,7 +432,7 @@
93 }; 432 };
94 433
95 Binding.prototype.sync = function() { 434 Binding.prototype.sync = function() {
96 return this.set(this.options.bypass ? this.model[this.keypath] : this.view.config.adapter.read(this.model, this.keypath)); 435 return this.set(this.key ? this.view.adapters[this.key["interface"]].read(this.model, this.key.path) : this.model);
97 }; 436 };
98 437
99 Binding.prototype.publish = function() { 438 Binding.prototype.publish = function() {
...@@ -108,65 +447,67 @@ ...@@ -108,65 +447,67 @@
108 value = (_ref2 = this.view.formatters[id]).publish.apply(_ref2, [value].concat(__slice.call(args))); 447 value = (_ref2 = this.view.formatters[id]).publish.apply(_ref2, [value].concat(__slice.call(args)));
109 } 448 }
110 } 449 }
111 return this.view.config.adapter.publish(this.model, this.keypath, value); 450 return this.view.adapters[this.key["interface"]].publish(this.model, this.key.path, value);
112 }; 451 };
113 452
114 Binding.prototype.bind = function() { 453 Binding.prototype.bind = function(silent) {
115 var dependency, keypath, model, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _results; 454 var dependency, key, observer, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _results,
455 _this = this;
456 if (silent == null) {
457 silent = false;
458 }
459 if (!silent) {
116 if ((_ref = this.binder.bind) != null) { 460 if ((_ref = this.binder.bind) != null) {
117 _ref.call(this, this.el); 461 _ref.call(this, this.el);
118 } 462 }
119 if (this.options.bypass) {
120 this.sync();
121 } else {
122 this.view.config.adapter.subscribe(this.model, this.keypath, this.sync);
123 if (this.view.config.preloadData) {
124 this.sync();
125 } 463 }
464 if (this.key) {
465 this.view.adapters[this.key["interface"]].subscribe(this.model, this.key.path, this.sync);
466 }
467 if (!silent ? this.view.config.preloadData : void 0) {
468 this.sync();
126 } 469 }
127 if ((_ref1 = this.options.dependencies) != null ? _ref1.length : void 0) { 470 if ((_ref1 = this.options.dependencies) != null ? _ref1.length : void 0) {
128 _ref2 = this.options.dependencies; 471 _ref2 = this.options.dependencies;
129 _results = []; 472 _results = [];
130 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) { 473 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
131 dependency = _ref2[_i]; 474 dependency = _ref2[_i];
132 if (/^\./.test(dependency)) { 475 observer = new KeypathObserver(this.view, this.model, dependency, function(obs, prev) {
133 model = this.model; 476 var key;
134 keypath = dependency.substr(1); 477 key = obs.key;
135 } else { 478 _this.view.adapters[key["interface"]].unsubscribe(prev, key.path, _this.sync);
136 dependency = dependency.split('.'); 479 _this.view.adapters[key["interface"]].subscribe(obs.target, key.path, _this.sync);
137 model = this.view.models[dependency.shift()]; 480 return _this.sync();
138 keypath = dependency.join('.'); 481 });
139 } 482 key = observer.key;
140 _results.push(this.view.config.adapter.subscribe(model, keypath, this.sync)); 483 this.view.adapters[key["interface"]].subscribe(observer.target, key.path, this.sync);
484 _results.push(this.dependencies.push(observer));
141 } 485 }
142 return _results; 486 return _results;
143 } 487 }
144 }; 488 };
145 489
146 Binding.prototype.unbind = function() { 490 Binding.prototype.unbind = function(silent) {
147 var dependency, keypath, model, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _results; 491 var key, obs, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1;
492 if (silent == null) {
493 silent = false;
494 }
495 if (!silent) {
148 if ((_ref = this.binder.unbind) != null) { 496 if ((_ref = this.binder.unbind) != null) {
149 _ref.call(this, this.el); 497 _ref.call(this, this.el);
150 } 498 }
151 if (!this.options.bypass) {
152 this.view.config.adapter.unsubscribe(this.model, this.keypath, this.sync);
153 } 499 }
154 if ((_ref1 = this.options.dependencies) != null ? _ref1.length : void 0) { 500 if (this.key) {
155 _ref2 = this.options.dependencies; 501 this.view.adapters[this.key["interface"]].unsubscribe(this.model, this.key.path, this.sync);
156 _results = [];
157 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
158 dependency = _ref2[_i];
159 if (/^\./.test(dependency)) {
160 model = this.model;
161 keypath = dependency.substr(1);
162 } else {
163 dependency = dependency.split('.');
164 model = this.view.models[dependency.shift()];
165 keypath = dependency.join('.');
166 } 502 }
167 _results.push(this.view.config.adapter.unsubscribe(model, keypath, this.sync)); 503 if (this.dependencies.length) {
504 _ref1 = this.dependencies;
505 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
506 obs = _ref1[_i];
507 key = obs.key;
508 this.view.adapters[key["interface"]].unsubscribe(obs.target, key.path, this.sync);
168 } 509 }
169 return _results; 510 return this.dependencies = [];
170 } 511 }
171 }; 512 };
172 513
...@@ -175,24 +516,6 @@ ...@@ -175,24 +516,6 @@
175 if (models == null) { 516 if (models == null) {
176 models = {}; 517 models = {};
177 } 518 }
178 if (this.key) {
179 if (models[this.key]) {
180 if (!this.options.bypass) {
181 this.view.config.adapter.unsubscribe(this.model, this.keypath, this.sync);
182 }
183 this.model = models[this.key];
184 if (this.options.bypass) {
185 this.sync();
186 } else {
187 this.view.config.adapter.subscribe(this.model, this.keypath, this.sync);
188 if (this.view.config.preloadData) {
189 this.sync();
190 }
191 }
192 }
193 } else {
194 this.sync();
195 }
196 return (_ref = this.binder.update) != null ? _ref.call(this, models) : void 0; 519 return (_ref = this.binder.update) != null ? _ref.call(this, models) : void 0;
197 }; 520 };
198 521
...@@ -246,328 +569,93 @@ ...@@ -246,328 +569,93 @@
246 for (key in models) { 569 for (key in models) {
247 model = models[key]; 570 model = models[key];
248 if (result[key] == null) { 571 if (result[key] == null) {
249 result[key] = model; 572 result[key] = model;
250 } 573 }
251 }
252 return result;
253 };
255 ComponentBinding.prototype.update = function(models) {
256 var _ref;
257 return (_ref = this.componentView) != null ? _ref.update(this.locals(models)) : void 0;
258 };
260 ComponentBinding.prototype.bind = function() {
261 var el, _ref;
262 if (this.componentView != null) {
263 return (_ref = this.componentView) != null ? _ref.bind() : void 0;
264 } else {
265 el = this.component.build.call(this.attributes);
266 (this.componentView = new Rivets.View(el, this.locals(), this.view.options)).bind();
267 return this.el.parentNode.replaceChild(el, this.el);
268 }
269 };
271 ComponentBinding.prototype.unbind = function() {
272 var _ref;
273 return (_ref = this.componentView) != null ? _ref.unbind() : void 0;
274 };
276 return ComponentBinding;
278 })(Rivets.Binding);
280 Rivets.TextBinding = (function(_super) {
281 __extends(TextBinding, _super);
283 function TextBinding(view, el, type, key, keypath, options) {
284 this.view = view;
285 this.el = el;
286 this.type = type;
287 this.key = key;
288 this.keypath = keypath;
289 this.options = options != null ? options : {};
290 this.sync = __bind(this.sync, this);
291 this.formatters = this.options.formatters || [];
292 this.model = this.key ? this.view.models[this.key] : this.view.models;
293 }
295 TextBinding.prototype.binder = {
296 routine: function(node, value) {
297 return node.data = value != null ? value : '';
298 }
299 };
301 TextBinding.prototype.sync = function() {
302 return TextBinding.__super__.sync.apply(this, arguments);
303 };
305 return TextBinding;
307 })(Rivets.Binding);
309 Rivets.View = (function() {
310 function View(els, models, options) {
311 var k, option, v, _base, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _ref2;
312 this.els = els;
313 this.models = models;
314 this.options = options != null ? options : {};
315 this.update = __bind(this.update, this);
316 this.publish = __bind(this.publish, this);
317 this.sync = __bind(this.sync, this);
318 this.unbind = __bind(this.unbind, this);
319 this.bind = __bind(this.bind, this);
320 this.select = __bind(this.select, this);
321 this.build = __bind(this.build, this);
322 this.componentRegExp = __bind(this.componentRegExp, this);
323 this.bindingRegExp = __bind(this.bindingRegExp, this);
324 if (typeof this.els.length === 'undefined') {
325 this.els = [this.els];
326 }
327 _ref = ['config', 'binders', 'formatters'];
328 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
329 option = _ref[_i];
330 this[option] = {};
331 if (this.options[option]) {
332 _ref1 = this.options[option];
333 for (k in _ref1) {
334 v = _ref1[k];
335 this[option][k] = v;
336 }
337 }
338 _ref2 = Rivets[option];
339 for (k in _ref2) {
340 v = _ref2[k];
341 if ((_base = this[option])[k] == null) {
342 _base[k] = v;
343 }
344 }
345 }
346 this.build();
347 }
349 View.prototype.bindingRegExp = function() {
350 var prefix;
351 prefix = this.config.prefix;
352 if (prefix) {
353 return new RegExp("^data-" + prefix + "-");
354 } else {
355 return /^data-/;
356 }
357 };
359 View.prototype.componentRegExp = function() {
360 var _ref, _ref1;
361 return new RegExp("^" + ((_ref = (_ref1 = this.config.prefix) != null ? _ref1.toUpperCase() : void 0) != null ? _ref : 'RV') + "-");
362 };
364 View.prototype.build = function() {
365 var bindingRegExp, buildBinding, componentRegExp, el, parse, skipNodes, _i, _len, _ref,
366 _this = this;
367 this.bindings = [];
368 skipNodes = [];
369 bindingRegExp = this.bindingRegExp();
370 componentRegExp = this.componentRegExp();
371 buildBinding = function(binding, node, type, declaration) {
372 var context, ctx, dependencies, key, keypath, options, path, pipe, pipes, splitPath;
373 options = {};
374 pipes = (function() {
375 var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
376 _ref = declaration.split('|');
377 _results = [];
378 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
379 pipe = _ref[_i];
380 _results.push(pipe.trim());
381 }
382 return _results;
383 })();
384 context = (function() {
385 var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
386 _ref = pipes.shift().split('<');
387 _results = [];
388 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
389 ctx = _ref[_i];
390 _results.push(ctx.trim());
391 }
392 return _results;
393 })();
394 path = context.shift();
395 splitPath = path.split(/\.|:/);
396 options.formatters = pipes;
397 options.bypass = path.indexOf(':') !== -1;
398 if (splitPath[0]) {
399 key = splitPath.shift();
400 } else {
401 key = null;
402 splitPath.shift();
403 }
404 keypath = splitPath.join('.');
405 if (dependencies = context.shift()) {
406 options.dependencies = dependencies.split(/\s+/);
407 }
408 return _this.bindings.push(new Rivets[binding](_this, node, type, key, keypath, options));
409 };
410 parse = function(node) {
411 var attribute, attributes, binder, childNode, delimiters, identifier, n, parser, regexp, restTokens, startToken, text, token, tokens, type, value, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _len3, _len4, _m, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _results;
412 if (__indexOf.call(skipNodes, node) < 0) {
413 if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
414 parser = Rivets.TextTemplateParser;
415 if (delimiters = _this.config.templateDelimiters) {
416 if ((tokens = parser.parse(node.data, delimiters)).length) {
417 if (!(tokens.length === 1 && tokens[0].type === parser.types.text)) {
418 startToken = tokens[0], restTokens = 2 <= tokens.length ? __slice.call(tokens, 1) : [];
419 node.data = startToken.value;
420 if (startToken.type === 0) {
421 node.data = startToken.value;
422 } else {
423 buildBinding('TextBinding', node, null, startToken.value);
424 }
425 for (_i = 0, _len = restTokens.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
426 token = restTokens[_i];
427 text = document.createTextNode(token.value);
428 node.parentNode.appendChild(text);
429 if (token.type === 1) {
430 buildBinding('TextBinding', text, null, token.value);
431 }
432 }
433 }
434 }
435 }
436 } else if (componentRegExp.test(node.tagName)) {
437 type = node.tagName.replace(componentRegExp, '').toLowerCase();
438 _this.bindings.push(new Rivets.ComponentBinding(_this, node, type));
439 } else if (node.attributes != null) {
440 _ref = node.attributes;
441 for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
442 attribute = _ref[_j];
443 if (bindingRegExp.test(attribute.name)) {
444 type = attribute.name.replace(bindingRegExp, '');
445 if (!(binder = _this.binders[type])) {
446 _ref1 = _this.binders;
447 for (identifier in _ref1) {
448 value = _ref1[identifier];
449 if (identifier !== '*' && identifier.indexOf('*') !== -1) {
450 regexp = new RegExp("^" + (identifier.replace('*', '.+')) + "$");
451 if (regexp.test(type)) {
452 binder = value;
453 }
454 }
455 }
456 }
457 binder || (binder = _this.binders['*']);
458 if (binder.block) {
459 _ref2 = node.childNodes;
460 for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
461 n = _ref2[_k];
462 skipNodes.push(n);
463 }
464 attributes = [attribute];
465 }
466 }
467 }
468 _ref3 = attributes || node.attributes;
469 for (_l = 0, _len3 = _ref3.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
470 attribute = _ref3[_l];
471 if (bindingRegExp.test(attribute.name)) {
472 type = attribute.name.replace(bindingRegExp, '');
473 buildBinding('Binding', node, type, attribute.value);
474 }
475 }
476 }
477 _ref4 = node.childNodes;
478 _results = [];
479 for (_m = 0, _len4 = _ref4.length; _m < _len4; _m++) {
480 childNode = _ref4[_m];
481 _results.push(parse(childNode));
482 }
483 return _results;
484 }
485 };
486 _ref = this.els;
487 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
488 el = _ref[_i];
489 parse(el);
490 } 574 }
575 return result;
491 }; 576 };
492 577
493 View.prototype.select = function(fn) { 578 ComponentBinding.prototype.update = function(models) {
494 var binding, _i, _len, _ref, _results; 579 var _ref;
495 _ref = this.bindings; 580 return (_ref = this.componentView) != null ? _ref.update(this.locals(models)) : void 0;
496 _results = [];
497 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
498 binding = _ref[_i];
499 if (fn(binding)) {
500 _results.push(binding);
501 }
502 }
503 return _results;
504 }; 581 };
505 582
506 View.prototype.bind = function() { 583 ComponentBinding.prototype.bind = function() {
507 var binding, _i, _len, _ref, _results; 584 var el, _ref;
508 _ref = this.bindings; 585 if (this.componentView != null) {
509 _results = []; 586 return (_ref = this.componentView) != null ? _ref.bind() : void 0;
510 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { 587 } else {
511 binding = _ref[_i]; 588 el = this.component.build.call(this.attributes);
512 _results.push(binding.bind()); 589 (this.componentView = new Rivets.View(el, this.locals(), this.view.options)).bind();
590 return this.el.parentNode.replaceChild(el, this.el);
513 } 591 }
514 return _results;
515 }; 592 };
516 593
517 View.prototype.unbind = function() { 594 ComponentBinding.prototype.unbind = function() {
518 var binding, _i, _len, _ref, _results; 595 var _ref;
519 _ref = this.bindings; 596 return (_ref = this.componentView) != null ? _ref.unbind() : void 0;
520 _results = [];
521 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
522 binding = _ref[_i];
523 _results.push(binding.unbind());
524 }
525 return _results;
526 }; 597 };
527 598
528 View.prototype.sync = function() { 599 return ComponentBinding;
529 var binding, _i, _len, _ref, _results; 600
530 _ref = this.bindings; 601 })(Rivets.Binding);
531 _results = []; 602
532 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { 603 Rivets.TextBinding = (function(_super) {
533 binding = _ref[_i]; 604 __extends(TextBinding, _super);
534 _results.push(binding.sync()); 605
606 function TextBinding(view, el, type, keypath, options) {
607 this.view = view;
608 this.el = el;
609 this.type = type;
610 this.keypath = keypath;
611 this.options = options != null ? options : {};
612 this.sync = __bind(this.sync, this);
613 this.formatters = this.options.formatters || [];
614 this.dependencies = [];
615 this.setObserver();
535 } 616 }
536 return _results;
537 };
538 617
539 View.prototype.publish = function() { 618 TextBinding.prototype.binder = {
540 var binding, _i, _len, _ref, _results; 619 routine: function(node, value) {
541 _ref = this.select(function(b) { 620 return node.data = value != null ? value : '';
542 return b.binder.publishes;
543 });
544 _results = [];
545 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
546 binding = _ref[_i];
547 _results.push(binding.publish());
548 } 621 }
549 return _results;
550 }; 622 };
551 623
552 View.prototype.update = function(models) { 624 TextBinding.prototype.sync = function() {
553 var binding, key, model, _i, _len, _ref, _results; 625 return TextBinding.__super__.sync.apply(this, arguments);
554 if (models == null) { 626 };
555 models = {}; 627
556 } 628 return TextBinding;
557 for (key in models) { 629
558 model = models[key]; 630 })(Rivets.Binding);
559 this.models[key] = model; 631
632 Rivets.KeypathParser = (function() {
633 function KeypathParser() {}
635 KeypathParser.parse = function(keypath, interfaces, root) {
636 var char, current, index, tokens;
637 tokens = [];
638 current = {
639 "interface": root,
640 path: ''
641 };
642 for (index in keypath) {
643 char = keypath[index];
644 if (__indexOf.call(interfaces, char) >= 0) {
645 tokens.push(current);
646 current = {
647 "interface": char,
648 path: ''
649 };
650 } else {
651 current.path += char;
560 } 652 }
561 _ref = this.bindings;
562 _results = [];
563 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
564 binding = _ref[_i];
565 _results.push(binding.update(models));
566 } 653 }
567 return _results; 654 tokens.push(current);
655 return tokens;
568 }; 656 };
569 657
570 return View; 658 return KeypathParser;
571 659
572 })(); 660 })();
573 661
...@@ -630,76 +718,86 @@ ...@@ -630,76 +718,86 @@
630 718
631 })(); 719 })();
632 720
633 Rivets.Util = { 721 KeypathObserver = (function() {
634 bindEvent: function(el, event, handler) { 722 function KeypathObserver(view, model, keypath, callback) {
635 if (window.jQuery != null) { 723 this.view = view;
636 el = jQuery(el); 724 this.model = model;
637 if (el.on != null) { 725 this.keypath = keypath;
638 return el.on(event, handler); 726 this.callback = callback;
639 } else { 727 this.realize = __bind(this.realize, this);
640 return el.bind(event, handler); 728 this.update = __bind(this.update, this);
729 this.parse = __bind(this.parse, this);
730 this.parse();
731 this.objectPath = [];
732 this.target = this.realize();
641 } 733 }
642 } else if (window.addEventListener != null) { 734
643 return el.addEventListener(event, handler, false); 735 KeypathObserver.prototype.parse = function() {
644 } else { 736 var interfaces, k, path, root, v, _ref;
645 event = 'on' + event; 737 interfaces = (function() {
646 return el.attachEvent(event, handler); 738 var _ref, _results;
739 _ref = this.view.adapters;
740 _results = [];
741 for (k in _ref) {
742 v = _ref[k];
743 _results.push(k);
647 } 744 }
648 }, 745 return _results;
649 unbindEvent: function(el, event, handler) { 746 }).call(this);
650 if (window.jQuery != null) { 747 if (_ref = this.keypath[0], __indexOf.call(interfaces, _ref) >= 0) {
651 el = jQuery(el); 748 root = this.keypath[0];
652 if (el.off != null) { 749 path = this.keypath.substr(1);
653 return el.off(event, handler);
654 } else { 750 } else {
655 return el.unbind(event, handler); 751 root = this.view.config.rootInterface;
752 path = this.keypath;
656 } 753 }
657 } else if (window.removeEventListener != null) { 754 this.tokens = Rivets.KeypathParser.parse(path, interfaces, root);
658 return el.removeEventListener(event, handler, false); 755 return this.key = this.tokens.pop();
659 } else { 756 };
660 event = 'on' + event; 757
661 return el.detachEvent(event, handler); 758 KeypathObserver.prototype.update = function() {
759 var next, prev;
760 if ((next = this.realize()) !== this.target) {
761 prev = this.target;
762 this.target = next;
763 return this.callback(this, prev);
662 } 764 }
663 }, 765 };
664 getInputValue: function(el) { 766
665 var o, _i, _len, _results; 767 KeypathObserver.prototype.realize = function() {
666 if (window.jQuery != null) { 768 var current, index, prev, token, _i, _len, _ref;
667 el = jQuery(el); 769 current = this.model;
668 switch (el[0].type) { 770 _ref = this.tokens;
669 case 'checkbox': 771 for (index = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; index = ++_i) {
670 return el.is(':checked'); 772 token = _ref[index];
671 default: 773 if (this.objectPath[index] != null) {
672 return el.val(); 774 if (current !== (prev = this.objectPath[index])) {
775 this.view.adapters[token["interface"]].unsubscribe(prev, token.path, this.update);
776 this.view.adapters[token["interface"]].subscribe(current, token.path, this.update);
777 this.objectPath[index] = current;
673 } 778 }
674 } else { 779 } else {
675 switch (el.type) { 780 this.view.adapters[token["interface"]].subscribe(current, token.path, this.update);
676 case 'checkbox': 781 this.objectPath[index] = current;
677 return el.checked;
678 case 'select-multiple':
679 _results = [];
680 for (_i = 0, _len = el.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
681 o = el[_i];
682 if (o.selected) {
683 _results.push(o.value);
684 }
685 }
686 return _results;
687 break;
688 default:
689 return el.value;
690 }
691 } 782 }
783 current = this.view.adapters[token["interface"]].read(current, token.path);
692 } 784 }
785 return current;
693 }; 786 };
694 787
695 Rivets.binders = { 788 return KeypathObserver;
696 enabled: function(el, value) { 789
790 })();
792 Rivets.binders.enabled = function(el, value) {
697 return el.disabled = !value; 793 return el.disabled = !value;
698 }, 794 };
699 disabled: function(el, value) { 795
796 Rivets.binders.disabled = function(el, value) {
700 return el.disabled = !!value; 797 return el.disabled = !!value;
701 }, 798 };
702 checked: { 799
800 Rivets.binders.checked = {
703 publishes: true, 801 publishes: true,
704 bind: function(el) { 802 bind: function(el) {
705 return Rivets.Util.bindEvent(el, 'change', this.publish); 803 return Rivets.Util.bindEvent(el, 'change', this.publish);
...@@ -715,8 +813,9 @@ ...@@ -715,8 +813,9 @@
715 return el.checked = !!value; 813 return el.checked = !!value;
716 } 814 }
717 } 815 }
718 }, 816 };
719 unchecked: { 817
818 Rivets.binders.unchecked = {
720 publishes: true, 819 publishes: true,
721 bind: function(el) { 820 bind: function(el) {
722 return Rivets.Util.bindEvent(el, 'change', this.publish); 821 return Rivets.Util.bindEvent(el, 'change', this.publish);
...@@ -732,17 +831,21 @@ ...@@ -732,17 +831,21 @@
732 return el.checked = !value; 831 return el.checked = !value;
733 } 832 }
734 } 833 }
735 }, 834 };
736 show: function(el, value) { 835
836 Rivets.binders.show = function(el, value) {
737 return el.style.display = value ? '' : 'none'; 837 return el.style.display = value ? '' : 'none';
738 }, 838 };
739 hide: function(el, value) { 839
840 Rivets.binders.hide = function(el, value) {
740 return el.style.display = value ? 'none' : ''; 841 return el.style.display = value ? 'none' : '';
741 }, 842 };
742 html: function(el, value) { 843
844 Rivets.binders.html = function(el, value) {
743 return el.innerHTML = value != null ? value : ''; 845 return el.innerHTML = value != null ? value : '';
744 }, 846 };
745 value: { 847
848 Rivets.binders.value = {
746 publishes: true, 849 publishes: true,
747 bind: function(el) { 850 bind: function(el) {
748 return Rivets.Util.bindEvent(el, 'change', this.publish); 851 return Rivets.Util.bindEvent(el, 'change', this.publish);
...@@ -772,20 +875,22 @@ ...@@ -772,20 +875,22 @@
772 } 875 }
773 } 876 }
774 } 877 }
775 }, 878 };
776 text: function(el, value) { 879
880 Rivets.binders.text = function(el, value) {
777 if (el.innerText != null) { 881 if (el.innerText != null) {
778 return el.innerText = value != null ? value : ''; 882 return el.innerText = value != null ? value : '';
779 } else { 883 } else {
780 return el.textContent = value != null ? value : ''; 884 return el.textContent = value != null ? value : '';
781 } 885 }
782 }, 886 };
783 "if": { 887
888 Rivets.binders["if"] = {
784 block: true, 889 block: true,
785 bind: function(el) { 890 bind: function(el) {
786 var attr, declaration; 891 var attr, declaration;
787 if (this.marker == null) { 892 if (this.marker == null) {
788 attr = ['data', this.view.config.prefix, this.type].join('-').replace('--', '-'); 893 attr = [this.view.config.prefix, this.type].join('-').replace('--', '-');
789 declaration = el.getAttribute(attr); 894 declaration = el.getAttribute(attr);
790 this.marker = document.createComment(" rivets: " + this.type + " " + declaration + " "); 895 this.marker = document.createComment(" rivets: " + this.type + " " + declaration + " ");
791 el.removeAttribute(attr); 896 el.removeAttribute(attr);
...@@ -810,6 +915,7 @@ ...@@ -810,6 +915,7 @@
810 options = { 915 options = {
811 binders: this.view.options.binders, 916 binders: this.view.options.binders,
812 formatters: this.view.options.formatters, 917 formatters: this.view.options.formatters,
918 adapters: this.view.options.adapters,
813 config: this.view.options.config 919 config: this.view.options.config
814 }; 920 };
815 (this.nested = new Rivets.View(el, models, options)).bind(); 921 (this.nested = new Rivets.View(el, models, options)).bind();
...@@ -825,8 +931,9 @@ ...@@ -825,8 +931,9 @@
825 var _ref; 931 var _ref;
826 return (_ref = this.nested) != null ? _ref.update(models) : void 0; 932 return (_ref = this.nested) != null ? _ref.update(models) : void 0;
827 } 933 }
828 }, 934 };
829 unless: { 935
936 Rivets.binders.unless = {
830 block: true, 937 block: true,
831 bind: function(el) { 938 bind: function(el) {
832 return Rivets.binders["if"].bind.call(this, el); 939 return Rivets.binders["if"].bind.call(this, el);
...@@ -840,8 +947,9 @@ ...@@ -840,8 +947,9 @@
840 update: function(models) { 947 update: function(models) {
841 return Rivets.binders["if"].update.call(this, models); 948 return Rivets.binders["if"].update.call(this, models);
842 } 949 }
843 }, 950 };
844 "on-*": { 951
952 Rivets.binders['on-*'] = {
845 "function": true, 953 "function": true,
846 unbind: function(el) { 954 unbind: function(el) {
847 if (this.handler) { 955 if (this.handler) {
...@@ -854,13 +962,14 @@ ...@@ -854,13 +962,14 @@
854 } 962 }
855 return Rivets.Util.bindEvent(el, this.args[0], this.handler = this.eventHandler(value)); 963 return Rivets.Util.bindEvent(el, this.args[0], this.handler = this.eventHandler(value));
856 } 964 }
857 }, 965 };
858 "each-*": { 966
967 Rivets.binders['each-*'] = {
859 block: true, 968 block: true,
860 bind: function(el) { 969 bind: function(el) {
861 var attr; 970 var attr;
862 if (this.marker == null) { 971 if (this.marker == null) {
863 attr = ['data', this.view.config.prefix, this.type].join('-').replace('--', '-'); 972 attr = [this.view.config.prefix, this.type].join('-').replace('--', '-');
864 this.marker = document.createComment(" rivets: " + this.type + " "); 973 this.marker = document.createComment(" rivets: " + this.type + " ");
865 this.iterated = []; 974 this.iterated = [];
866 el.removeAttribute(attr); 975 el.removeAttribute(attr);
...@@ -881,7 +990,7 @@ ...@@ -881,7 +990,7 @@
881 } 990 }
882 }, 991 },
883 routine: function(el, collection) { 992 routine: function(el, collection) {
884 var data, i, index, k, key, model, modelName, options, previous, template, v, view, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _results; 993 var binding, data, i, index, k, key, model, modelName, options, previous, template, v, view, _i, _j, _k, _len, _len1, _len2, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _results;
885 modelName = this.args[0]; 994 modelName = this.args[0];
886 collection = collection || []; 995 collection = collection || [];
887 if (this.iterated.length > collection.length) { 996 if (this.iterated.length > collection.length) {
...@@ -893,7 +1002,6 @@ ...@@ -893,7 +1002,6 @@
893 this.marker.parentNode.removeChild(view.els[0]); 1002 this.marker.parentNode.removeChild(view.els[0]);
894 } 1003 }
895 } 1004 }
896 _results = [];
897 for (index = _j = 0, _len1 = collection.length; _j < _len1; index = ++_j) { 1005 for (index = _j = 0, _len1 = collection.length; _j < _len1; index = ++_j) {
898 model = collection[index]; 1006 model = collection[index];
899 data = {}; 1007 data = {};
...@@ -910,6 +1018,7 @@ ...@@ -910,6 +1018,7 @@
910 options = { 1018 options = {
911 binders: this.view.options.binders, 1019 binders: this.view.options.binders,
912 formatters: this.view.options.formatters, 1020 formatters: this.view.options.formatters,
1021 adapters: this.view.options.adapters,
913 config: {} 1022 config: {}
914 }; 1023 };
915 _ref2 = this.view.options.config; 1024 _ref2 = this.view.options.config;
...@@ -922,14 +1031,24 @@ ...@@ -922,14 +1031,24 @@
922 view = new Rivets.View(template, data, options); 1031 view = new Rivets.View(template, data, options);
923 view.bind(); 1032 view.bind();
924 this.iterated.push(view); 1033 this.iterated.push(view);
925 _results.push(this.marker.parentNode.insertBefore(template, previous.nextSibling)); 1034 this.marker.parentNode.insertBefore(template, previous.nextSibling);
926 } else if (this.iterated[index].models[modelName] !== model) { 1035 } else if (this.iterated[index].models[modelName] !== model) {
927 _results.push(this.iterated[index].update(data)); 1036 this.iterated[index].update(data);
1037 }
1038 }
1039 if (el.nodeName === 'OPTION') {
1040 _ref3 = this.view.bindings;
1041 _results = [];
1042 for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref3.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
1043 binding = _ref3[_k];
1044 if (binding.el === this.marker.parentNode && binding.type === 'value') {
1045 _results.push(binding.sync());
928 } else { 1046 } else {
929 _results.push(void 0); 1047 _results.push(void 0);
930 } 1048 }
931 } 1049 }
932 return _results; 1050 return _results;
1051 }
933 }, 1052 },
934 update: function(models) { 1053 update: function(models) {
935 var data, key, model, view, _i, _len, _ref, _results; 1054 var data, key, model, view, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
...@@ -948,39 +1067,139 @@ ...@@ -948,39 +1067,139 @@
948 } 1067 }
949 return _results; 1068 return _results;
950 } 1069 }
951 }, 1070 };
952 "class-*": function(el, value) { 1071
1072 Rivets.binders['class-*'] = function(el, value) {
953 var elClass; 1073 var elClass;
954 elClass = " " + el.className + " "; 1074 elClass = " " + el.className + " ";
955 if (!value === (elClass.indexOf(" " + this.args[0] + " ") !== -1)) { 1075 if (!value === (elClass.indexOf(" " + this.args[0] + " ") !== -1)) {
956 return el.className = value ? "" + el.className + " " + this.args[0] : elClass.replace(" " + this.args[0] + " ", ' ').trim(); 1076 return el.className = value ? "" + el.className + " " + this.args[0] : elClass.replace(" " + this.args[0] + " ", ' ').trim();
957 } 1077 }
958 }, 1078 };
959 "*": function(el, value) { 1079
1080 Rivets.binders['*'] = function(el, value) {
960 if (value) { 1081 if (value) {
961 return el.setAttribute(this.type, value); 1082 return el.setAttribute(this.type, value);
962 } else { 1083 } else {
963 return el.removeAttribute(this.type); 1084 return el.removeAttribute(this.type);
964 } 1085 }
965 }
966 }; 1086 };
967 1087
968 Rivets.components = {}; 1088 Rivets.adapters['.'] = {
969 1089 id: '_rv',
970 Rivets.config = { 1090 counter: 0,
971 preloadData: true, 1091 weakmap: {},
972 handler: function(context, ev, binding) { 1092 weakReference: function(obj) {
973 return this.call(context, ev, binding.view.models); 1093 var id;
1094 if (obj[this.id] == null) {
1095 id = this.counter++;
1096 this.weakmap[id] = {
1097 callbacks: {}
1098 };
1099 Object.defineProperty(obj, this.id, {
1100 value: id
1101 });
1102 }
1103 return this.weakmap[obj[this.id]];
1104 },
1105 stubFunction: function(obj, fn) {
1106 var map, original, weakmap;
1107 original = obj[fn];
1108 map = this.weakReference(obj);
1109 weakmap = this.weakmap;
1110 return obj[fn] = function() {
1111 var callback, k, r, response, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3;
1112 response = original.apply(obj, arguments);
1113 _ref = map.pointers;
1114 for (r in _ref) {
1115 k = _ref[r];
1116 _ref3 = (_ref1 = (_ref2 = weakmap[r]) != null ? _ref2.callbacks[k] : void 0) != null ? _ref1 : [];
1117 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref3.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
1118 callback = _ref3[_i];
1119 callback();
1120 }
1121 }
1122 return response;
1123 };
1124 },
1125 observeMutations: function(obj, ref, keypath) {
1126 var fn, functions, map, _base, _i, _len;
1127 if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
1128 map = this.weakReference(obj);
1129 if (map.pointers == null) {
1130 map.pointers = {};
1131 functions = ['push', 'pop', 'shift', 'unshift', 'sort', 'reverse', 'splice'];
1132 for (_i = 0, _len = functions.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
1133 fn = functions[_i];
1134 this.stubFunction(obj, fn);
1135 }
1136 }
1137 if ((_base = map.pointers)[ref] == null) {
1138 _base[ref] = [];
1139 }
1140 if (__indexOf.call(map.pointers[ref], keypath) < 0) {
1141 return map.pointers[ref].push(keypath);
1142 }
1143 }
1144 },
1145 unobserveMutations: function(obj, ref, keypath) {
1146 var keypaths, _ref;
1147 if (Array.isArray(obj && (obj[this.id] != null))) {
1148 if (keypaths = (_ref = this.weakReference(obj).pointers) != null ? _ref[ref] : void 0) {
1149 return keypaths.splice(keypaths.indexOf(keypath), 1);
1150 }
1151 }
1152 },
1153 subscribe: function(obj, keypath, callback) {
1154 var callbacks, value,
1155 _this = this;
1156 callbacks = this.weakReference(obj).callbacks;
1157 if (callbacks[keypath] == null) {
1158 callbacks[keypath] = [];
1159 value = obj[keypath];
1160 Object.defineProperty(obj, keypath, {
1161 get: function() {
1162 return value;
1163 },
1164 set: function(newValue) {
1165 var _i, _len, _ref;
1166 if (newValue !== value) {
1167 value = newValue;
1168 _ref = callbacks[keypath];
1169 for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
1170 callback = _ref[_i];
1171 callback();
1172 }
1173 return _this.observeMutations(newValue, obj[_this.id], keypath);
1174 }
1175 }
1176 });
1177 }
1178 if (__indexOf.call(callbacks[keypath], callback) < 0) {
1179 callbacks[keypath].push(callback);
1180 }
1181 return this.observeMutations(obj[keypath], obj[this.id], keypath);
1182 },
1183 unsubscribe: function(obj, keypath, callback) {
1184 var callbacks;
1185 callbacks = this.weakmap[obj[this.id]].callbacks[keypath];
1186 callbacks.splice(callbacks.indexOf(callback), 1);
1187 return this.unobserveMutations(obj[keypath], obj[this.id], keypath);
1188 },
1189 read: function(obj, keypath) {
1190 return obj[keypath];
1191 },
1192 publish: function(obj, keypath, value) {
1193 return obj[keypath] = value;
974 } 1194 }
975 }; 1195 };
977 Rivets.formatters = {};
978 1196
979 Rivets.factory = function(exports) { 1197 Rivets.factory = function(exports) {
980 exports._ = Rivets; 1198 exports._ = Rivets;
981 exports.binders = Rivets.binders; 1199 exports.binders = Rivets.binders;
982 exports.components = Rivets.components; 1200 exports.components = Rivets.components;
983 exports.formatters = Rivets.formatters; 1201 exports.formatters = Rivets.formatters;
1202 exports.adapters = Rivets.adapters;
984 exports.config = Rivets.config; 1203 exports.config = Rivets.config;
985 exports.configure = function(options) { 1204 exports.configure = function(options) {
986 var property, value; 1205 var property, value;
1 // Rivets.js 1 // Rivets.js
2 // version: 0.5.13 2 // version: 0.6.0
3 // author: Michael Richards 3 // author: Michael Richards
4 // license: MIT 4 // license: MIT
5 !function(){var a,b,c=function(a,b){return function(){return a.apply(b,arguments)}},d=[].slice,e={}.hasOwnProperty,f=function(a,b){function c(){this.constructor=a}for(var d in b)e.call(b,d)&&(a[d]=b[d]);return c.prototype=b.prototype,a.prototype=new c,a.__super__=b.prototype,a},g=[].indexOf||function(a){for(var b=0,c=this.length;c>b;b++)if(b in this&&this[b]===a)return b;return-1};a={},b=window.jQuery||window.Zepto,String.prototype.trim||(String.prototype.trim=function(){return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")}),a.Binding=function(){function b(a,b,d,e,f,g){var h,i,j,k;if(this.view=a,this.el=b,this.type=d,this.key=e,this.keypath=f,this.options=null!=g?g:{},this.update=c(this.update,this),this.unbind=c(this.unbind,this),this.bind=c(this.bind,this),this.publish=c(this.publish,this),this.sync=c(this.sync,this),this.set=c(this.set,this),this.eventHandler=c(this.eventHandler,this),this.formattedValue=c(this.formattedValue,this),!(this.binder=this.view.binders[d])){k=this.view.binders;for(h in k)j=k[h],"*"!==h&&-1!==h.indexOf("*")&&(i=new RegExp("^"+h.replace("*",".+")+"$"),i.test(d)&&(this.binder=j,this.args=new RegExp("^"+h.replace("*","(.+)")+"$").exec(d),this.args.shift()))}this.binder||(this.binder=this.view.binders["*"]),this.binder instanceof Function&&(this.binder={routine:this.binder}),this.formatters=this.options.formatters||[],this.model=this.key?this.view.models[this.key]:this.view.models}return b.prototype.formattedValue=function(a){var b,c,e,f,g,h;for(h=this.formatters,f=0,g=h.length;g>f;f++)c=h[f],b=c.split(/\s+/),e=b.shift(),c=this.model[e]instanceof Function?this.model[e]:this.view.formatters[e],(null!=c?c.read:void 0)instanceof Function?a=c.read.apply(c,[a].concat(d.call(b))):c instanceof Function&&(a=c.apply(null,[a].concat(d.call(b))));return a},b.prototype.eventHandler=function(a){var b,c;return c=(b=this).view.config.handler,function(d){return c.call(a,this,d,b)}},b.prototype.set=function(a){var b;return a=a instanceof Function&&!this.binder["function"]?this.formattedValue(a.call(this.model)):this.formattedValue(a),null!=(b=this.binder.routine)?b.call(this,this.el,a):void 0},b.prototype.sync=function(){return this.set(this.options.bypass?this.model[this.keypath]:this.view.config.adapter.read(this.model,this.keypath))},b.prototype.publish=function(){var b,c,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;for(f=a.Util.getInputValue(this.el),i=this.formatters.slice(0).reverse(),g=0,h=i.length;h>g;g++)c=i[g],b=c.split(/\s+/),e=b.shift(),(null!=(j=this.view.formatters[e])?j.publish:void 0)&&(f=(k=this.view.formatters[e]).publish.apply(k,[f].concat(d.call(b))));return this.view.config.adapter.publish(this.model,this.keypath,f)},b.prototype.bind=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;if(null!=(f=this.binder.bind)&&f.call(this,this.el),this.options.bypass?this.sync():(this.view.config.adapter.subscribe(this.model,this.keypath,this.sync),this.view.config.preloadData&&this.sync()),null!=(g=this.options.dependencies)?g.length:void 0){for(h=this.options.dependencies,i=[],d=0,e=h.length;e>d;d++)a=h[d],/^\./.test(a)?(c=this.model,b=a.substr(1)):(a=a.split("."),c=this.view.models[a.shift()],b=a.join(".")),i.push(this.view.config.adapter.subscribe(c,b,this.sync));return i}},b.prototype.unbind=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;if(null!=(f=this.binder.unbind)&&f.call(this,this.el),this.options.bypass||this.view.config.adapter.unsubscribe(this.model,this.keypath,this.sync),null!=(g=this.options.dependencies)?g.length:void 0){for(h=this.options.dependencies,i=[],d=0,e=h.length;e>d;d++)a=h[d],/^\./.test(a)?(c=this.model,b=a.substr(1)):(a=a.split("."),c=this.view.models[a.shift()],b=a.join(".")),i.push(this.view.config.adapter.unsubscribe(c,b,this.sync));return i}},b.prototype.update=function(a){var b;return null==a&&(a={}),this.key?a[this.key]&&(this.options.bypass||this.view.config.adapter.unsubscribe(this.model,this.keypath,this.sync),this.model=a[this.key],this.options.bypass?this.sync():(this.view.config.adapter.subscribe(this.model,this.keypath,this.sync),this.view.config.preloadData&&this.sync())):this.sync(),null!=(b=this.binder.update)?b.call(this,a):void 0},b}(),a.ComponentBinding=function(b){function d(b,d,e){var f,h,i,j,k;for(this.view=b,this.el=d,this.type=e,this.unbind=c(this.unbind,this),this.bind=c(this.bind,this),this.update=c(this.update,this),this.locals=c(this.locals,this),this.component=a.components[this.type],this.attributes={},this.inflections={},j=this.el.attributes||[],h=0,i=j.length;i>h;h++)f=j[h],k=f.name,g.call(this.component.attributes,k)>=0?this.attributes[f.name]=f.value:this.inflections[f.name]=f.value}return f(d,b),d.prototype.sync=function(){},d.prototype.locals=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;null==a&&(a=this.view.models),f={},i=this.inflections;for(c in i)for(b=i[c],j=b.split("."),g=0,h=j.length;h>g;g++)e=j[g],f[c]=(f[c]||a)[e];for(c in a)d=a[c],null==f[c]&&(f[c]=d);return f},d.prototype.update=function(a){var b;return null!=(b=this.componentView)?b.update(this.locals(a)):void 0},d.prototype.bind=function(){var b,c;return null!=this.componentView?null!=(c=this.componentView)?c.bind():void 0:(b=this.component.build.call(this.attributes),(this.componentView=new a.View(b,this.locals(),this.view.options)).bind(),this.el.parentNode.replaceChild(b,this.el))},d.prototype.unbind=function(){var a;return null!=(a=this.componentView)?a.unbind():void 0},d}(a.Binding),a.TextBinding=function(a){function b(a,b,d,e,f,g){this.view=a,this.el=b,this.type=d,this.key=e,this.keypath=f,this.options=null!=g?g:{},this.sync=c(this.sync,this),this.formatters=this.options.formatters||[],this.model=this.key?this.view.models[this.key]:this.view.models}return f(b,a),b.prototype.binder={routine:function(a,b){return a.data=null!=b?b:""}},b.prototype.sync=function(){return b.__super__.sync.apply(this,arguments)},b}(a.Binding),a.View=function(){function b(b,d,e){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;for(this.els=b,this.models=d,this.options=null!=e?e:{},this.update=c(this.update,this),this.publish=c(this.publish,this),this.sync=c(this.sync,this),this.unbind=c(this.unbind,this),this.bind=c(this.bind,this),this.select=c(this.select,this),this.build=c(this.build,this),this.componentRegExp=c(this.componentRegExp,this),this.bindingRegExp=c(this.bindingRegExp,this),"undefined"==typeof this.els.length&&(this.els=[this.els]),l=["config","binders","formatters"],j=0,k=l.length;k>j;j++){if(g=l[j],this[g]={},this.options[g]){m=this.options[g];for(f in m)h=m[f],this[g][f]=h}n=a[g];for(f in n)h=n[f],null==(i=this[g])[f]&&(i[f]=h)}this.build()}return b.prototype.bindingRegExp=function(){var a;return a=this.config.prefix,a?new RegExp("^data-"+a+"-"):/^data-/},b.prototype.componentRegExp=function(){var a,b;return new RegExp("^"+(null!=(a=null!=(b=this.config.prefix)?b.toUpperCase():void 0)?a:"RV")+"-")},b.prototype.build=function(){var b,c,e,f,h,i,j,k,l,m=this;for(this.bindings=[],i=[],b=this.bindingRegExp(),e=this.componentRegExp(),c=function(b,c,d,e){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,n,o,p;return k={},o=function(){var a,b,c,d;for(c=e.split("|"),d=[],a=0,b=c.length;b>a;a++)n=c[a],d.push(n.trim());return d}(),f=function(){var a,b,c,d;for(c=o.shift().split("<"),d=[],a=0,b=c.length;b>a;a++)g=c[a],d.push(g.trim());return d}(),l=f.shift(),p=l.split(/\.|:/),k.formatters=o,k.bypass=-1!==l.indexOf(":"),p[0]?i=p.shift():(i=null,p.shift()),j=p.join("."),(h=f.shift())&&(k.dependencies=h.split(/\s+/)),m.bindings.push(new a[b](m,c,d,i,j,k))},h=function(f){var j,k,l,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P;if(g.call(i,f)<0){if(f.nodeType===Node.TEXT_NODE){if(r=a.TextTemplateParser,(o=m.config.templateDelimiters)&&(x=r.parse(f.data,o)).length&&(1!==x.length||x[0].type!==r.types.text))for(u=x[0],t=2<=x.length?d.call(x,1):[],f.data=u.value,0===u.type?f.data=u.value:c("TextBinding",f,null,u.value),A=0,E=t.length;E>A;A++)w=t[A],v=document.createTextNode(w.value),f.parentNode.appendChild(v),1===w.type&&c("TextBinding",v,null,w.value)}else if(e.test(f.tagName))y=f.tagName.replace(e,"").toLowerCase(),m.bindings.push(new a.ComponentBinding(m,f,y));else if(null!=f.attributes){for(K=f.attributes,B=0,F=K.length;F>B;B++)if(j=K[B],b.test(j.name)){if(y=j.name.replace(b,""),!(l=m.binders[y])){L=m.binders;for(p in L)z=L[p],"*"!==p&&-1!==p.indexOf("*")&&(s=new RegExp("^"+p.replace("*",".+")+"$"),s.test(y)&&(l=z))}if(l||(l=m.binders["*"]),l.block){for(M=f.childNodes,C=0,G=M.length;G>C;C++)q=M[C],i.push(q);k=[j]}}for(N=k||f.attributes,D=0,H=N.length;H>D;D++)j=N[D],b.test(j.name)&&(y=j.name.replace(b,""),c("Binding",f,y,j.value))}for(O=f.childNodes,P=[],J=0,I=O.length;I>J;J++)n=O[J],P.push(h(n));return P}},l=this.els,j=0,k=l.length;k>j;j++)f=l[j],h(f)},b.prototype.select=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f;for(e=this.bindings,f=[],c=0,d=e.length;d>c;c++)b=e[c],a(b)&&f.push(b);return f},b.prototype.bind=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;for(d=this.bindings,e=[],b=0,c=d.length;c>b;b++)a=d[b],e.push(a.bind());return e},b.prototype.unbind=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;for(d=this.bindings,e=[],b=0,c=d.length;c>b;b++)a=d[b],e.push(a.unbind());return e},b.prototype.sync=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;for(d=this.bindings,e=[],b=0,c=d.length;c>b;b++)a=d[b],e.push(a.sync());return e},b.prototype.publish=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;for(d=this.select(function(a){return a.binder.publishes}),e=[],b=0,c=d.length;c>b;b++)a=d[b],e.push(a.publish());return e},b.prototype.update=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h;null==a&&(a={});for(c in a)d=a[c],this.models[c]=d;for(g=this.bindings,h=[],e=0,f=g.length;f>e;e++)b=g[e],h.push(b.update(a));return h},b}(),a.TextTemplateParser=function(){function a(){}return a.types={text:0,binding:1},a.parse=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i;for(h=[],f=a.length,c=0,d=0;f>d;){if(c=a.indexOf(b[0],d),0>c){h.push({type:this.types.text,value:a.slice(d)});break}if(c>0&&c>d&&h.push({type:this.types.text,value:a.slice(d,c)}),d=c+2,c=a.indexOf(b[1],d),0>c){g=a.slice(d-2),e=h[h.length-1],(null!=e?e.type:void 0)===this.types.text?e.value+=g:h.push({type:this.types.text,value:g});break}i=a.slice(d,c).trim(),h.push({type:this.types.binding,value:i}),d=c+2}return h},a}(),a.Util={bindEvent:function(a,c,d){return 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...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 { 1 {
2 "name": "rivets", 2 "name": "rivets",
3 "description": "Declarative data binding facility.", 3 "description": "Declarative data binding + templating solution.",
4 "version": "0.5.13", 4 "version": "0.6.0",
5 "author": "Michael Richards", 5 "author": "Michael Richards",
6 "url": "http://rivetsjs.com", 6 "url": "http://rivetsjs.com",
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