bbc1d12f by Michael Richards

Skip all nodes in an iteration context unless building the views for the iterated items.

1 parent b0cb46e2
......@@ -114,38 +114,52 @@ class Rivets.View
# Builds the Rivets.Binding instances for the view.
build: =>
@bindings = []
skipNodes = []
iterator = null
bindingRegExp = @bindingRegExp()
eventRegExp = /^on-/
iterationRegExp = /^each-/
parseNode = (node) =>
for attribute in node.attributes
if bindingRegExp.test
options = {}
type = bindingRegExp, ''
pipes = (pipe.trim() for pipe in attribute.value.split '|')
context = (ctx.trim() for ctx in pipes.shift().split '>')
path = context.shift()
splitPath = path.split /\.|:/
options.formatters = pipes
model = @models[splitPath.shift()]
options.bypass = path.indexOf(":") != -1
keypath = splitPath.join()
if model
if dependencies = context.shift()
options.dependencies = dependencies.split /\s+/
if eventRegExp.test type
type = type.replace eventRegExp, ''
options.special = "event"
unless node in skipNodes
for attribute in node.attributes
if bindingRegExp.test
type = bindingRegExp, ''
if iterationRegExp.test type
type = type.replace iterationRegExp, ''
options.special = "iteration"
@bindings.push new Rivets.Binding node, type, model, keypath, options
unless @models[type.replace iterationRegExp, '']
skipNodes.push n for n in node.getElementsByTagName '*'
iterator = [attribute]
for attribute in iterator or node.attributes
iterator = null
if bindingRegExp.test
options = {}
type = bindingRegExp, ''
pipes = (pipe.trim() for pipe in attribute.value.split '|')
context = (ctx.trim() for ctx in pipes.shift().split '>')
path = context.shift()
splitPath = path.split /\.|:/
options.formatters = pipes
model = @models[splitPath.shift()]
options.bypass = path.indexOf(":") != -1
keypath = splitPath.join()
if model
if dependencies = context.shift()
options.dependencies = dependencies.split /\s+/
if eventRegExp.test type
type = type.replace eventRegExp, ''
options.special = "event"
if iterationRegExp.test type
type = type.replace iterationRegExp, ''
options.special = "iteration"
@bindings.push new Rivets.Binding node, type, model, keypath, options
for el in @els
parseNode el