b85fcd39 by Michael Richards

Update KeypathObserver to have better state management, passing in the previous …

…target to the callback for unbinding.
1 parent 5712f6cb
class KeypathObserver
constructor: (@view, @model, @keypath, @callback) ->
@interfaces = (k for k, v of @view.adapters)
@objectPath = []
@tokens = Rivets.KeypathParser.parse @keypath, @interfaces, @view.config.rootInterface
@root = @tokens.shift()
@key = @tokens.pop()
@target = @realize()
parse: =>
interfaces = (k for k, v of @view.adapters)
if @keypath[0] in interfaces
root = @keypath[0]
path = @keypath.substr 1
root = @view.config.rootInterface
path = @keypath
@tokens = Rivets.KeypathParser.parse path, interfaces, root
@key = @tokens.pop()
update: =>
unless (next = @realize()) is @target
@callback @target = next
prev = @target
@target = next
@callback @, prev
realize: =>
current = @model