b4365a7f by Michael Richards

Merge pull request #141 from pluma/master

Added support for AMD, CommonJS strict (fixes #116, #136)
2 parents 468048c0 77f74eb6
......@@ -375,32 +375,34 @@ Rivets.config =
Rivets.formatters = {}
# The rivets module. This is the public interface that gets exported.
rivets =
factory = (exports) ->
# Exposes the core binding routines that can be extended or stripped down.
binders: Rivets.binders
exports.binders = Rivets.binders
# Exposes the formatters object to be extended.
formatters: Rivets.formatters
exports.formatters = Rivets.formatters
# Exposes the rivets configuration options. These can be set manually or from
# rivets.configure with an object literal.
config: Rivets.config
exports.config = Rivets.config
# Sets configuration options by merging an object literal.
configure: (options={}) ->
exports.configure = (options={}) ->
for property, value of options
Rivets.config[property] = value
# Binds a set of model objects to a parent DOM element. Returns a Rivets.View
# instance.
bind: (el, models = {}) ->
exports.bind = (el, models = {}) ->
view = new Rivets.View(el, models)
# Exports rivets for both CommonJS and the browser.
if module?
module.exports = rivets
# Exports rivets for CommonJS, AMD and the browser.
if typeof exports == 'object'
else if typeof define == 'function' && define.amd
define ['exports'], (exports) -> @rivets = factory(exports)
@rivets = rivets
factory(@rivets = {})