adcc0a15 by David HAN SZE CHUEN

- force string comparison between the input's value (which is always a string) a…

…nd the data model's value
1 parent 468048c0
......@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ Rivets.binders =
unbindEvent el, 'change', @currentListener
routine: (el, value) ->
if el.type is 'radio'
el.checked = el.value is value
el.checked = el.value?.toString() is value?.toString()
el.checked = !!value
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Rivets.binders =
unbindEvent el, 'change', @currentListener
routine: (el, value) ->
if el.type is 'radio'
el.checked = el.value isnt value
el.checked = el.value?.toString() isnt value?.toString()
el.checked = !value