6683d668 by Adam Heath

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1 parent 2ade95c4
......@@ -17,17 +17,16 @@ class Rivets.Binding
constructor: (@el, @type, @model, @keypath, options) ->
@options = (options ||= {})
unless binder = Rivets.binders[type]
binder = Rivets.binders['*']
for identifier, value of Rivets.binders
if identifier isnt '*' and identifier.indexOf('*') isnt -1
regexp = new RegExp "^#{identifier.replace('*', '.+')}$"
regexp = new RegExp "^#{identifier.replace('*', '(.+)')}$"
if regexp.test type
binder = value
args = new RegExp("^#{identifier.replace('*', '(.+)')}$").exec type
args = regexp.exec type
@args = args
binder or= Rivets.binders['*']
if binder instanceof Function
binder = {routine: binder}
......@@ -259,19 +258,19 @@ class Rivets.View
# Binds all of the current bindings for this view.
bind: =>
binding.bind() for binding in @bindings
@bindings.map (binding) -> binding.bind()
# Unbinds all of the current bindings for this view.
unbind: =>
binding.unbind() for binding in @bindings
@bindings.map (binding) -> binding.unbind()
# Syncs up the view with the model by running the routines on all bindings.
sync: =>
binding.sync() for binding in @bindings
@bindings.map (binding) -> binding.sync()
# Publishes the input values from the view back to the model (reverse sync).
publish: =>
binding.publish() for binding in @select (b) -> b.binder.publishes
(@select (b) -> b.binder.publishes).map (binding) -> binding.publish()
# Cross-browser event binding.
bindEvent = (el, event, handler, context, bindContext) ->