57c11896 by Michael Richards

Replace the stateBinding function with a more direct method of setting state properties.

1 parent 857194e0
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
(function() {
var Rivets, attributeBinding, bidirectionals, getInputValue, rivets, stateBinding,
var Rivets, attributeBinding, bidirectionals, getInputValue, rivets,
__bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },
__indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
......@@ -151,59 +151,53 @@
attributeBinding = function(attr) {
return function(el, value) {
switch (attr) {
case 'checked':
el.setAttribute('checked', value);
el.checked = value;
return el.defaultChecked = value;
if (value) {
return el.setAttribute(attr, value);
} else {
return el.removeAttribute(attr);
if (value) {
return el.setAttribute(attr, value);
} else {
return el.removeAttribute(attr);
stateBinding = function(attr, inverse) {
if (inverse == null) {
inverse = false;
return function(el, value) {
var binding;
binding = attributeBinding(attr);
return binding(el, inverse === !value ? attr : false);
bidirectionals = ['value', 'checked', 'unchecked', 'selected', 'unselected'];
Rivets.routines = {
checked: stateBinding('checked'),
selected: stateBinding('selected'),
disabled: stateBinding('disabled'),
unchecked: stateBinding('checked', true),
unselected: stateBinding('selected', true),
enabled: stateBinding('disabled', true),
text: function(el, value) {
if (el.innerText != null) {
return el.innerText = value || '';
} else {
return el.textContent = value || '';
enabled: function(el, value) {
return el.disabled = !value;
html: function(el, value) {
return el.innerHTML = value || '';
disabled: function(el, value) {
return el.disabled = !!value;
value: function(el, value) {
return el.value = value;
checked: function(el, value) {
return el.checked = !!value;
unchecked: function(el, value) {
return el.checked = !value;
selected: function(el, value) {
return el.selected = !!value;
unselected: function(el, value) {
return el.selected = !value;
show: function(el, value) {
return el.style.display = value ? '' : 'none';
hide: function(el, value) {
return el.style.display = value ? 'none' : '';
html: function(el, value) {
return el.innerHTML = value || '';
value: function(el, value) {
return el.value = value;
text: function(el, value) {
if (el.innerText != null) {
return el.innerText = value || '';
} else {
return el.textContent = value || '';
......@@ -86,23 +86,7 @@ getInputValue = (el) ->
# Returns an attribute binding routine for the specified attribute. This is what
# `registerBinding` falls back to when there is no routine for the binding type.
attributeBinding = (attr) -> (el, value) ->
switch attr
when 'checked'
el.setAttribute( 'checked', value )
el.checked = value
el.defaultChecked = value
if value
el.setAttribute attr, value
el.removeAttribute attr
# Returns a state binding routine for the specified attribute. Can optionally be
# negatively evaluated. This is used to build a lot of the core state binding
# routines.
stateBinding = (attr, inverse = false) -> (el, value) ->
binding = attributeBinding(attr)
binding el, if inverse is !value then attr else false
if value then el.setAttribute attr, value else el.removeAttribute attr
# Bindings that should also be observed for changes on the DOM element in order
# to propagate those changes back to the model object.
......@@ -110,31 +94,31 @@ bidirectionals = ['value', 'checked', 'unchecked', 'selected', 'unselected']
# Core binding routines.
Rivets.routines =
stateBinding 'checked'
stateBinding 'selected'
stateBinding 'disabled'
stateBinding 'checked', true
stateBinding 'selected', true
stateBinding 'disabled', true
enabled: (el, value) ->
el.disabled = !value
disabled: (el, value) ->
el.disabled = !!value
checked: (el, value) ->
el.checked = !!value
unchecked: (el, value) ->
el.checked = !value
selected: (el, value) ->
el.selected = !!value
unselected: (el, value) ->
el.selected = !value
show: (el, value) ->
el.style.display = if value then '' else 'none'
hide: (el, value) ->
el.style.display = if value then 'none' else ''
html: (el, value) ->
el.innerHTML = value or ''
value: (el, value) ->
el.value = value
text: (el, value) ->
if el.innerText?
el.innerText = value or ''
el.textContent = value or ''
html: (el, value) ->
el.innerHTML = value or ''
value: (el, value) ->
el.value = value
show: (el, value) ->
el.style.display = if value then '' else 'none'
hide: (el, value) ->
el.style.display = if value then 'none' else ''
# Default configuration.
Rivets.config =