557742db by Michael Richards

Update the handler API and simplify the on-* binder's routine to use the eventHandler factory.

1 parent a5a6ad5e
......@@ -368,10 +368,8 @@ Rivets.binders =
Rivets.Util.unbindEvent el, @args[0], @handler if @handler
routine: (el, value) ->
binding = this
Rivets.Util.unbindEvent el, @args[0], @handler if @handler
@handler = (ev) -> binding.view.config.handler value, @, ev, binding
Rivets.Util.bindEvent el, @args[0], @handler
Rivets.Util.bindEvent el, @args[0], @handler = @eventHandler value
block: true
......@@ -451,8 +449,8 @@ Rivets.binders =
# overridden globally or local to a `Rivets.View` instance.
Rivets.config =
preloadData: true
handler: (fn, context, ev, binding) ->
fn.call context, ev, binding.view.models
handler: (context, ev, binding) ->
@call context, ev, binding.view.models
# Rivets.formatters
# -----------------