46dbe672 by Adam Heath

Find the binder when parsing the attribute value expression; this isn't

useful yet; later commits will then be able to inspect the binder for
various features.
1 parent f1a9565d
......@@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ class Rivets.Binding
constructor: (@el, @type, @model, @keypath, options) ->
@options = (options ||= {})
[@binder, @args] = findBinder(type)
[@binder, @args] = if options.binder
[options.binder, options.args]
findBinder type
@formatters = options.formatters || []
# Applies all the current formatters to the supplied value and returns the
......@@ -184,6 +187,7 @@ defaultExpressionParser = (view, node, type, models, value) ->
bypass: path.indexOf(':') != -1
bindContext: models
parsingSupport = Rivets.config.adapter.parsingSupport
[options.binder, options.args] = findBinder type
firstPart = if parsingSupport