467630fe by Michael Richards

Implement a basic keypath parser that tokenizes a keypath into path + interface pairs.

1 parent 87343c1e
......@@ -348,6 +348,26 @@ class Rivets.View
@models[key] = model for key, model of models
binding.update models for binding in @bindings
# Rivets.KeypathParser
# --------------------
# Parser and tokenizer for keypaths in binding declarations.
class Rivets.KeypathParser
# Parses the keypath and returns a set of adapter interface + path tokens.
@parse: (keypath, interfaces, root) ->
tokens = []
current = {interface: root, path: ''}
for index, char of keypath
if char in interfaces
tokens.push current
current = {interface: char, path: ''}
current.path += char
tokens.push current
# Rivets.TextTemplateParser
# -------------------------