0dc2fa3f by Michael Richards

Add some code documentation for the Rivets.View class.

1 parent f093f839
......@@ -30,10 +30,14 @@ class Rivets.Binding
@el.addEventListener 'change', (el) =>
Rivets.config.adapter.publish @context, @keypath, getInputValue el
# Parses and stores the binding data for an entire view binding.
class Rivets.View
# Takes the parent DOM element as well as all the context objects that are to
# be binded to the view.
constructor: (@el, @contexts) ->
# Parses and builds new Rivets.Binding instances for the data bindings.
build: =>
@bindings = []
......@@ -46,6 +50,7 @@ class Rivets.View
keypath = path.join '.'
@bindings.push new Rivets.Binding node, type, context, keypath
# Binds all of the current bindings for this view.
bind: =>
binding.bind() for binding in @bindings