047720c5 by Michael Richards

Implement a select function instead of preset selects like bidirectionals.

1 parent 5b4492b5
......@@ -178,8 +178,9 @@ class Rivets.View
parseNode node for node in el.getElementsByTagName '*'
bidirectionals: =>
binding for binding in @bindings when binding.isBidirectional()
# Returns an array of bindings where the supplied function evaluates to true.
select: (fn) =>
binding for binding in @bindings when fn binding
# Binds all of the current bindings for this view.
bind: =>
......@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ class Rivets.View
binding.sync() for binding in @bindings
publish: =>
binding.publish() for binding in @bidirectionals()
binding.publish() for binding in @select (b) -> b.isBidirectional()
# Cross-browser event binding
bindEvent = (el, event, fn) ->